Das Polizeipräsidium rät



Rat und Hilfe

Romance- oder Love-Scamming


Ein kurzer Chat oder eine nette Mail von einem Unbekannten – das so genannte Love- oder Romance-Scamming fängt harmlos an. Die Scammer suchen auf Online-Partnerbörsen oder in Sozialen Netzwerken wie Myspace oder Facebook nach Opfern, sie gehen Mitgliederlisten durch oder verwenden Adressen aus Yahoo oder dem MSN-Messenger. Eine kurze Online-Einladung zum Chat dient vielen als Erstkontakt. Um sich beim potenziellen Opfer interessant zu machen, legen sich die Scammer ungewöhnliche Lebensgeschichten zu – und sie hinterlassen immer einen seriösen Eindruck.

Typische Scammer-Profile

Scamm-Männer geben sich als Ingenieure, Architekten, Soziologen, Konstrukteure in der Ölindustrie oder als Tierärzte und Computerspezialisten aus. Auf den Fotos des Scammer-Profils bekommen weibliche Opfer eine attraktive weiße Person präsentiert – die Bilder sind allerdings gestohlen. Und auch wenn der „Neue“ vorgibt, in Amerika oder im europäischen Ausland zu leben, so sitzt er wahrscheinlich in Westafrika. Davon merken die Opfer allerdings nichts, denn diese Chat-Bekanntschaften sprechen perfekt Englisch oder benutzen kostspielige Übersetzungstools für ihre Mails.

Scamm-Frauen geben sich bevorzugt als Krankenschwestern, Ärztinnen, Mitarbeiterinnen im Waisenhaus oder als Lehrerinnen, Schauspielerinnen sowie als Geschäftsfrauen jeder Art aus. Die Frauen auf den Bildern in Netzwerken und auf Dating-Seiten sind äußerst attraktiv. Aber auch diese Bilder sind meist gestohlen oder einzig für das Scamming fotografiert worden. Das ist an Fotostrecken mit ähnlichen Posen und Kleidung zu erkennen. Viele Frauen geben sich als Russinnen aus. Sie können aber auch aus Südamerika, Thailand, Afrika oder Europa stammen. Auch alle Scamm-Frauen beherrschen die englische Sprache, manchmal sogar die deutsche Sprache, perfekt.


Sowohl Scamm-Männer als auch Scamm-Frauen schaffen es, sich im täglichen Leben ihrer Opfer unverzichtbar zu machen – und zwar ohne ein einziges Treffen. Auf eine romantische Mail am Morgen folgt ein kurzes Telefonat am Mittag, nach Feierabend wird gechattet oder stundenlang telefoniert. Bei den Gesprächen geht es zu Beginn keineswegs um Geld, sondern um den Beruf, die Familie sowie um Liebe und eine gemeinsame Zukunft. Oft werden Geschichten über verstorbene Ehepartner und Kinder aufgetischt. Wenn die Scammer nicht schon dort sind, dann müssen sie dringend geschäftlich oder aus familiären Gründen nach Westafrika. Dabei versprechen die Betrüger, dass sie ihre neue Liebe danach besuchen werden. Doch bevor oder kurz nachdem das Ticket nach Deutschland gebucht wird, gibt es Schwierigkeiten: Überfälle, gestohlene oder konfiszierte Pässe, ein Krankenhausaufenthalt nach einem Autounfall oder Probleme mit Kreditkarten. Die Opfer werden gebeten, per Bargeldtransfer (z.B. Western Union oder MoneyGram) Geld zu senden. Die Liebe wird in solchen „Bettelmails“ immer stark hervorgehoben. Manchmal werden Opfer von einem „Arzt“, einem „Polizisten“ oder „Angehörigen“ kontaktiert, der noch mehr Druck auf das Opfer ausüben soll. Das geht oft so weit, dass die Scammer ihren Selbstmord ankündigen – nur um an das Geld zu kommen.

Zurzeit haben es die Betrüger vor allem auf ausländische Ausweispapiere abgesehen. Oft bitten sie ihre Opfer, ihnen Kopien von Pass und Reisepass zu schicken – mit der Erklärung, ein gemeinsames Konto eröffnen zu wollen. So können leicht Ausweise gefälscht werden. Sehr begehrt sind auch Einladungen nach Deutschland als Unterstützung für einen Visumsantrag.

In anderen Fällen werden Opfer gebeten, afrikanische Schecks und Zahlungsaufträge auf das eigene Bankkonto einzureichen (weil das in Westafrika nicht möglich sei). Den größten Teil des Schecks sollen die Opfer per Bargeldtransfer über MoneyGram oder Western Union wieder nach Westafrika überweisen, einen kleinen Rest dürfen sie für sich behalten. Problem: Die Schecks sind Rückschecks, für deren Rückzahlung an die Bank die Kontoinhaber verantwortlich sind. Im schlimmsten Fall droht dem Opfer gar eine Strafanzeige wegen Betruges.

Auch kleine Päckchen, die eine dritte Person vorbeibringt, sollen dem Scammer nach Afrika gesandt werden. Der Inhalt ist zumeist mit einer gestohlenen Kreditkarte bezahlt. Das Weiterleiten oder Aufbewahren der Päckchen ist illegal und kann Opfer in ernsthafte Schwierigkeiten bringen.

Oft täuschen Scammer vor, dass sie das Flugticket für das Treffen in Deutschland nicht bezahlen können. Auch werden Kosten für das Visum oder die Visumserteilung fällig – nicht zu vergessen die so genannte PTA oder BTA, eine Art Gebühr an die Regierung, ohne die man das Land gar nicht verlassen könne, und die bar vor Abflug entrichtet werden muss. Diese Gebühr gibt es offiziell gar nicht

Freitag, 26. Februar 2010

Fortsetzung:Mr und Mrs Smiley are back ...is it destiny

Wie gesagt er kanns nicht sein lassen und Mrs Smiley auch nicht...es ist ein hin und her...is it love or is it scam...it's destiny..
Pablo Walter w zegt:
barbara zegt:
hi ?
Pablo Walter w zegt:
how are you
barbara zegt:
ok and you?
Pablo Walter w zegt:
barbara zegt:
that is good
Pablo Walter w zegt:
you like how the relationship is now
barbara zegt:
i dont get you now?
Pablo Walter w zegt:
you like the way he is now
barbara zegt:
no relationship
Pablo Walter w zegt:
ok good
barbara zegt:
you wanted it this way
Pablo Walter w zegt:
you want it this way
not me
barbara zegt:
Pablo Walter w zegt:
barbara zegt:
i told you want i want
Pablo Walter w zegt:
just because of 200euros
you dont love me
barbara zegt:
no not because of 200 euros
no not because of 200 euros
Pablo Walter w zegt:
you leave me because of that
barbara zegt:
i didnt leave you
i told you i never leave you
Pablo Walter w zegt:
yes you did
barbara zegt:
no you was gone
me not
Pablo Walter w zegt:
you not me
barbara zegt:
you where gone
love is not to pay with money
Pablo Walter w zegt:
you can pay in money
when am in problem
i can do it for you too
just 200euros
barbara zegt:
and then what happened then
tell me...
Pablo Walter w zegt:
dont worry
barbara zegt:
i told you what you can do for me..
do you remind the way we started
Pablo Walter w zegt:
what is that
barbara zegt:
think about that again
Pablo Walter w zegt:
whats that
barbara zegt:
show me your true identity
Pablo Walter w zegt:
let me go down
and check for my next nebour cam
so that i can show you my face
a minute

Hier geht er jetzt und Baby denkt...jetzt wirds intressant er holt sich nen Latino von der Strasse der ungefähr so aussieht.....

mask of PW

wie gesagt das ist seine Maske,die er Baby geschickt hat,aber die Maske fällt langsam,am Telefon kommt immer mehr der afrikanische Dialekt durch,vorallem wenn Schatzilein sich aufregt,süss ist das..nicht nur er meldet sich immer wieder und macht alles damit er sich wieder meldet..scamming ist half acting and half trues...Julia hängt sich an Abu Ibu Pablo ...das gefällt uns gar nicht...es tut weh sie lockt ihn wieder während Julia inzwischen auch mit ihm chattet,scammer halt,Baby weiss das ja...Ilse wurde aber nur eingesetzt wenn es sein musste....aber die Sache mit Julia war komisch...also musste Schatzilein wieder zurück in den chat beordert werden...
und das sieht dann so aus wenn Valentineday in aussicht ist und man sich irrt und die Berichte eine Woche zu früh verschickt...

barbara (4-2-2010 16:55:51): Hi mr,Smiley
barbara (4-2-2010 16:56:13): can you come online today or tommorrow
barbara (4-2-2010 16:58:48): so that we can talk again, please
Pablo Bartels (8-2-2010 22:58:59): hi
barbara (8-2-2010 22:59:16): hi
barbara (8-2-2010 23:00:21): how are you?
Pablo Bartels (8-2-2010 23:00:55): fine and you
barbara (8-2-2010 23:01:45): me too
barbara (8-2-2010 23:03:00): you find your mails
barbar (8-2-2010 23:03:08): only a week to early
barbara(8-2-2010 23:03:18): i am sorry for that
Pablo Bartels (8-2-2010 23:04:25): i do not understand that ward
barbara(8-2-2010 23:05:02): think about it maybe than you understand it
Pablo Bartels (8-2-2010 23:05:57): which mail
barbara(8-2-2010 23:06:36): i send yester day to mails because i thought today was valentine
barbara(8-2-2010 23:06:51): but it is sunday
barbara (8-2-2010 23:07:00): so i send them on sunday

Ja das war doof gelaufen Schatzilein versteht das dann auch nicht,wannn wird er begreifen das das Spiel endlich vorbei sein muss....am nächsten Tag versuchen wir es dann noch mal...is it scam or is it love,it is destiny he and me...

Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 22:17:36): hi
barbara64 (9-2-2010 22:19:20): hi
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 22:20:02): how are you today
barbar (9-2-2010 22:20:20): ok and you ?
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 22:21:13): not fine
barba (9-2-2010 22:21:20): why?
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 22:22:23): because you have be making me sick
barbar (9-2-2010 22:23:32): how ...why...
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 22:24:03): you abardon me here
barbara (9-2-2010 22:24:36): no never
barbara (9-2-2010 22:25:23): ok i show you something
barbara (9-2-2010 22:26:00): can you go to your barrymoore52 account please
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 22:26:46): what account
barbara (9-2-2010 22:27:21): you know that account
barbar (9-2-2010 22:27:26): please go there
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 22:30:02): i dont have any account like that
barbara (9-2-2010 22:30:13): yes you have
barbara(9-2-2010 22:30:26): PLEASE
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 22:31:31): i have explained every thing to you and you dont believe me what else do you want me to say
barbara (9-2-2010 22:32:27): do you want to know or not...
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 22:34:08): know what?
barbar (9-2-2010 22:35:35): do you want to know what happend or not
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 22:36:14): yes
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 22:36:16): tell me
barbar (9-2-2010 22:36:28): then go there
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 22:37:36): u still dont understand english do you? i have told you i dont have an accout of such and you still keep pushin on it
barbara (9-2-2010 22:39:08): i am not pushing you
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 22:41:48): so what are you doing
barbara (9-2-2010 22:42:29): you still saying you are not scamming?
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 22:43:22): yes am not a scam
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 22:43:22): i have told you all i know
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 22:43:22): what else do you want me to say
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 22:44:15): listen you are pushing too hard on me and right now am fed up
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 22:44:15): please let me live my life
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 22:44:22): or have i scam you in anyway before?
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 22:44:33): please am just a simple man\
barbara (9-2-2010 22:45:04): you want to live your life
barbara(9-2-2010 22:45:20): and i want to know the man behind that mask
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 22:46:02): please am busy ok
barbara (9-2-2010 22:48:27): ok we dont do it
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 22:49:58): if really you want to see me then help me with thats $300 i asked so that i can get a cam from it
barbara (9-2-2010 22:51:26): you need 300 euro for bying a cam
barbara (9-2-2010 22:51:36): i do it for 80
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 22:52:12): i said i will use part of it for the cam
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 22:53:08): because i go to the cafe whenever i want to brows so i need to pay for internet subscription
barbara (9-2-2010 22:55:36): ok i tell you what i can not do and what i can do ...ok
Pablo Bartels(9-2-2010 22:57:12): ok so what can you do?
barbara (9-2-2010 22:57:57): i can not send money to someone i have never seen
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 22:59:16): but you are so anxious in seeing me so why dont you do the right thing by helping me here then i can get a can
barbara (9-2-2010 22:59:55): that was the deal last week
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 23:00:47): you dont expect me to go begging so i can use a cam
barbara (9-2-2010 23:01:05): not really
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 23:01:37): well since you dont trust me you eill have to be patient with me till i can afford to get a cam
barbara (9-2-2010 23:02:02): what have i told you
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 23:03:07): well since you dont care anymore dont worry about me i will live and survive
barbara (9-2-2010 23:03:29): who told you that
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 23:04:12): you did with your actions now i know that is what you mean
barbara(9-2-2010 23:05:54): with my actions i want to tell you something else....
barbara (9-2-2010 23:06:21): but you dont want to listen anymore
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 23:06:41): am here and am listening
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 23:06:45): talk to me
barbara (9-2-2010 23:08:50): you dont want me to talk about it.... if i try.... you dont want to know ...what i know....
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 23:09:43): tell me what you know
barbar (9-2-2010 23:10:01): ok try to remind how we started...
barbara (9-2-2010 23:10:12): can you remind that....
barbara (9-2-2010 23:10:30): with the joke and then the game....
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 23:11:42): yeah i know i rememer everything
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 23:12:28): and it hurts me so much to know that you dont even trust me anymore even when i explained everything to you
barbara (9-2-2010 23:15:02): you are hurt? me too ....because i believed eveything you told me
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 23:16:32): you dont because you keep asking me the same questions why?
barbara (9-2-2010 23:16:51): because they are thr true...
barbara (9-2-2010 23:17:09): i can show it to you but you dont want to see it
barbara (9-2-2010 23:17:35): why do you think i am still here...with you..try to talk about it...
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 23:18:28): honey please believe me ok i still love you so much but right now my hands are tired
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 23:18:36): so please help me
barbarabartels64 (9-2-2010 23:20:33): my hands are still tired too... i love you so much that idont want you to go so far...
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 23:21:36): please just help me with that money i promise you everything will be fine please i promise
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 23:30:32): hello
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 23:30:38): are you there?
barbara (9-2-2010 23:31:02): yes i am herre
barbara (9-2-2010 23:31:14): how you want to promiss me that
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 23:32:07): just trust me please i promise you will see me on cam as soon as i get and install the cam
barbara (9-2-2010 23:36:18): how i can trust you...even if i love you..i got that faked passport of yours
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 23:39:27): that is my passport but it was edited
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 23:39:54): i told you someone hacked into my email box
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 23:40:05): please believe me ok
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 23:40:12): that is the past now
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 23:40:32): lets leave that behind and move forward
barbara (9-2-2010 23:41:49): how it was edited...
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 23:42:14): i dont know
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 23:42:40): my document in my box were been used by some scamers
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 23:43:26): i told you all this earlier on but you didt believe me
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 23:43:56): that is why i have to change my email to this one am using now
barbara (9-2-2010 23:44:20): you can change the password you know...
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 23:45:06): yes i know but that email have been messed up
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 23:45:19): so i dont want it any more
barbara (9-2-2010 23:45:44): yes but you still used it
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 23:48:07): yes for only you
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 23:48:36): becase that was the first email we chat with
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 23:51:06): hello
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 23:51:14): talk to me please
barbara (9-2-2010 23:51:54): ok the paspoort is ediited
barbara (9-2-2010 23:52:19): 2 different birthdate now on it
barbara (9-2-2010 23:53:16): 20 .12.1962 and 13.08.68
barbara (9-2-2010 23:53:29): what is your birthday?
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 23:55:42): 20.12.1962 is mine
barbarabartels64 (9-2-2010 23:56:32): mostly that is written in the code the reall date because you can seee that is not edited
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 23:57:45): you have to believe me
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 23:57:49): plese
barbara (9-2-2010 23:57:59): how
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 23:58:54): please
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 23:59:02): i have to go now ok
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 23:59:10): please think about it
Pablo Bartels (9-2-2010 23:59:19): is so late here

wie gesagt it is DESTINY

Pablo Bartels zegt:
i just discovered i have 30 mins
so were are we
barbara zegt:
can you discover that
Pablo Bartels zegt:
i mean i have to stay here for 30min more
barbara zegt:
and now ...what are we doing now...
Pablo Bartels zegt:
i still need your help

Pablo Bartels heeft je een buzzer gestuurd.

Pablo Bartels zegt:
ok your dont want to talk to me
ok i need to go to bed now
since you dont want to help the man you love
take care of your self
i love you
barbara zegt:
i love you too
Pablo Bartels zegt:
barbara zegt:
i love you

Dann meldet dieser sich auch noch wieder...was will er...

russ_coach@live.com zegt:
barbara zegt:
russ_coach@live.com zegt:
where have you been
barbara zegt:
why always herre
russ_coach@live.com zegt:
hmmm ok
barbara zegt:
what does tgat mean
can you tell me that....
anybody there
russ_coach@live.com zegt:
holde il be back
barbara zegt:
you where gone
i am very sorry but i go to bed now
maybe we can chat later
russell zegt:
barbara zegt:
russell zegt:
hw are yo doing
barbara zegt:
i am fine and you?
russell zegt:
i am ok
yo upset with me right
barbara zegt:
russell zegt:
confused how
barbara zegt:
not upset
russell zegt:
why confused
barbara zegt:
i dont know
it is long time ago
russell zegt:
whats wrong with you
tell me let me know
barbara zegt:
wrong with me?
russell zegt:
then what are you confused about
barbara zegt:
talking to you after so long time
russell zegt:
so lets start all over again where di we stop
barbara zegt:
i really dont know
russell zegt:
ok lets start whats your full name
barbara zegt:
do you know where we stopped?
russell zegt:
lets start again whats your full name
barbara zegt:
Barbara Bartel and yours?
russell zegt:
russell rob coach
barbara zegt:
what does the coach means
are you coaching in sports?

und da Julia sich jetzt einmischt muss Baby sicvh was einfallen lassen
[01.02.10 21:41:29] pablo bartels: hi

[01.02.10 21:41:47] pablo bartels: are you there
[01.02.10 21:42:12] julia_: hi , yes I am
[01.02.10 21:42:46] pablo bartels: how are you
[01.02.10 21:43:01] pablo bartels: i god i meet you today
[01.02.10 21:43:19] pablo bartels: thanks to god
[01.02.10 21:43:23] julia_: I am fine and you ?
[01.02.10 21:43:35] pablo bartels: fine
[01.02.10 21:43:44] pablo bartels: too
[01.02.10 21:43:59] julia_: you god ? what do you mean with this ?
[01.02.10 21:44:45] pablo bartels: that means i give god thanks for talking to you today
[01.02.10 21:44:53] pablo bartels: here
[01.02.10 21:45:12] pablo bartels: did you understand
[01.02.10 21:45:25] julia: oh , I understand now
[01.02.10 21:45:46] pablo bartels: where are you from
[01.02.10 21:45:52] julia_: thats nice
[01.02.10 21:46:21] julia: from berlin on germany and you ?
[01.02.10 21:46:49] julia: in germany
[01.02.10 21:47:46] julia: ups , where are you suddenly ?
[01.02.10 21:47:11] pablo bartels: are you there
[01.02.10 21:48:19] julia: yes and I send you something , dont u see it ?
[01.02.10 21:48:29] pablo bartels: yes
[01.02.10 21:48:48] julia_: from where are you ?
[01.02.10 21:49:05] pablo bartels: i mean your country
[01.02.10 21:49:11] julia: germany
[01.02.10 21:49:15] julia: berlin
[01.02.10 21:50:12] pablo bartels: am a spanish america man
[01.02.10 21:50:47] pablo bartels: born in america
[01.02.10 21:51:08] pablo bartels: in los angeles
[01.02.10 21:53:08] julia_schoening: and where are you now ? I saw here in your profil sussex in england ? Am I right ?
[01.02.10 21:53:28] pablo bartels: yes
[01.02.10 21:54:15] pablo bartels: after the dead of my late wife
[01.02.10 21:54:33] julia: are you shy now ? you write not very fast
[01.02.10 21:54:41] pablo bartels: i move to u.k to work ovr here
[01.02.10 21:55:23] julia_: oh I am very sorry .......that your wife died
[01.02.10 21:56:01] pablo bartels: i have too kids with me
[01.02.10 21:57:18] julia_: yes I am not so suprised about that , because on the pic from you is a child with you
[01.02.10 21:56:58] pablo bartels: pedro and terezza
[01.02.10 21:57:38] pablo bartels: 12years and 14
[01.02.10 21:58:12] pablo bartels: they live with mymum in america
[01.02.10 21:59:12] julia_s: ok , and what do you work in england ?
[01.02.10 21:59:45] pablo bartels: am an engineer
[01.02.10 22:00:14] pablo bartels: working as an inspector
[01.02.10 22:00:21] pablo bartels: of contracts
[01.02.10 22:00:51] julia_: thats nice and do you like to do this job ?
[01.02.10 22:01:42] pablo bartels: i means constructoin work
[01.02.10 22:02:44] julia_: hmm.....don`t u get my questions ?
[01.02.10 22:01:58] pablo bartels: what job
[01.02.10 22:03:30] julia_: the job you do
[01.02.10 22:03:40] julia_: if you like it ?
[01.02.10 22:04:45] julia_: is it your dream profesion I mean
[01.02.10 22:06:26] julia_schoening: hello ? where are u now ?
[01.02.10 22:06:27] pablo bartels: yes of corse
[01.02.10 22:07:02] pablo bartels: i like it
[01.02.10 22:08:56] pablo bartels: are you there
[01.02.10 22:10:35] pablo bartels: hi
[01.02.10 22:10:44] pablo bartels: are you there
[01.02.10 22:14:06] pablo bartels: hi
[01.02.10 22:14:56] pablo bartels: hi
[01.02.10 22:15:36] pablo bartels: hi
[01.02.10 22:15:38] julia_: yes
[01.02.10 22:15:54] pablo bartels: badnetwork here
[01.02.10 22:15:59] julia_sc: what is with this chat here ?
[01.02.10 22:16:04] julia_: I see
[01.02.10 22:16:07] pablo bartels: plase talk tomorow
[01.02.10 22:16:21] pablo bartels: in the morning
[01.02.10 22:16:30] julia_: when ?
[01.02.10 22:16:33] pablo bartels: please baby
[01.02.10 22:16:41] pablo bartels: 7am
[01.02.10 22:16:42] julia_schoening: baby ?
[01.02.10 22:16:54] pablo bartels: or 9am
[01.02.10 22:17:06] pablo bartels: yes you are now
[01.02.10 22:17:25] julia: Ok , 7 is possible but I will have only one hour time then
[01.02.10 22:17:38] pablo bartels: ok
[01.02.10 22:17:45] pablo bartels: bye
[01.02.10 22:17:48] pablo bartels: goodnight
[01.02.10 22:17:58] pablo bartels: see you tomorow
[01.02.10 22:18:05] julia_schoening: byebye goodnight for you too

02.02.10 15:54:11] pablo bartels: hi
[02.02.10 15:55:03] julia: Hey ......
[02.02.10 15:55:13] julia: I saw your messages now
[02.02.10 15:55:28] pablo bartels: how are you?
[02.02.10 15:56:17] julia: I was there in the morning , but got your messages not, skype seams to be not so good
[02.02.10 15:56:26] julia: I am fine and you ?
[02.02.10 15:56:40] pablo bartels: fine too
[02.02.10 15:56:50] pablo bartels: where are you now
[02.02.10 15:56:52] julia: good
[02.02.10 15:57:00] julia: I am at home and you ?
[02.02.10 15:57:20] pablo bartels: in the office
[02.02.10 15:57:49] julia you can chat privat at work ?
[02.02.10 15:58:11] pablo bartels: yes with my laptop
[02.02.10 15:58:34] julia: Do you have a breaktime now or what ?
[02.02.10 15:59:11] pablo bartels: am free in the office now
[02.02.10 15:59:25] pablo bartels: about going home
[02.02.10 15:59:43] julia: you wanna go home now ?
[02.02.10 16:00:11] pablo bartels: an hour time
[02.02.10 16:01:44] julia: can you explain it a littel bit better ? work is closed but you go in one hour ? why you stay there now longer ?
[02.02.10 16:02:57] julia: hello , do I weite to fast for you ? ;)
[02.02.10 16:03:10] julia: write
[02.02.10 16:04:08] pablo bartels: because i have some talk with my cool workers
[02.02.10 16:05:32] julia: cool workers ? whats that ? are they cool
[02.02.10 16:05:45] julia: now I must laught
[02.02.10 16:04:57] pablo bartels: did you understand now
[02.02.10 16:05:25] pablo bartels: are yu there
[02.02.10 16:07:09] pablo bartels: hi
[02.02.10 16:08:01] pablo bartels: are you there
[02.02.10 16:10:31] julia: why do you hang up the call ?
[02.02.10 16:11:35] pablo bartels: how are you doing?
[02.02.10 16:11:45] julia: what i doing ?
[02.02.10 16:11:52] julia: I sit here
[02.02.10 16:11:59] pablo bartels: ok
[02.02.10 16:12:04] julia: and chat with you ?
[02.02.10 16:12:14] pablo bartels: are you on cam
[02.02.10 16:12:18] julia: no

[02.02.10 16:12:25] julia: you ?
[02.02.10 16:12:30] pablo bartels: why?
[02.02.10 16:12:38] julia_: why not ?
[02.02.10 16:12:50] pablo bartels: no
[02.02.10 16:12:59] julia_: when you ask me I ask the same
[02.02.10 16:13:02] pablo bartels: i know you have
[02.02.10 16:13:08] julia_: just nomal
[02.02.10 16:13:48] julia_: why don`t you talk with me over the phone ?
[02.02.10 16:14:16] pablo bartels: becaue the network was bad
[02.02.10 16:14:39] pablo bartels: deside to hear your lovely voice
[02.02.10 16:14:56] julia_: my voice is not lovley
[02.02.10 16:15:16] pablo bartels: yes is lovely
[02.02.10 16:15:29] pablo bartels: tell me about yourself
[02.02.10 16:15:44] julia_: hahahaaa...the most say it sounds sexy
[02.02.10 16:16:22] julia_: but I don`t know I hear myself not so like others
[02.02.10 16:16:28] julia_: do
[02.02.10 16:16:43] pablo bartels: ok
[02.02.10 16:16:56] pablo bartels: whats your full name
[02.02.10 16:17:07] julia: Julia Schöning
[02.02.10 16:17:13] julia: and yours ?
[02.02.10 16:18:05] pablo bartels: walter pablo
[02.02.10 16:18:39] julia_schoening: Do you have something to do with germany , because in your profil stand Land : Vereinigtes Königreich <<<<< these are german words
[02.02.10 16:19:33] julia: first name walter now ?
[02.02.10 16:20:06] pablo bartels: in u.k i use a german ip
[02.02.10 16:21:30] julia: what is an ip ? als ob wir das nicht wissen...LOL
[02.02.10 16:22:34] pablo bartels: is a network
[02.02.10 16:23:23] julia: ok and that give you german wortds here in the skype messanger ?
[02.02.10 16:23:41] julia: I don`t know so much from computers , sorry
[02.02.10 16:23:52] pablo bartels: ok
[02.02.10 16:24:13] pablo bartels: i will teach you more about computer
[02.02.10 16:24:17] pablo bartels: ok
[02.02.10 16:24:32] julia: If you want you can do
[02.02.10 16:25:06] pablo bartels: how long have you been here on myspace
[02.02.10 16:25:10] julia: Because its perhaps sometimes interessting
[02.02.10 16:26:36] julia: here on myspace ? this is skype
[02.02.10 16:26:54] pablo bartels: on myspace
[02.02.10 16:27:33] julia: not long , I am new there
[02.02.10 16:27:52] pablo bartels: ok
[02.02.10 16:28:08] pablo bartels: tell me about yourelf
[02.02.10 16:29:19] julia: what do you want to know , because I don`t know whats the most importent for you to know now
[02.02.10 16:29:48] pablo bartels: let talk later
[02.02.10 16:29:52] pablo bartels: 8pm
[02.02.10 16:29:55] pablo bartels: ok
[02.02.10 16:30:10] pablo bartels: am going home now
[02.02.10 16:30:14] julia: I have no time then
[02.02.10 16:30:17] pablo bartels: ok
[02.02.10 16:30:23] pablo bartels: please
[02.02.10 16:30:35] pablo bartels: let talk at night
[02.02.10 16:30:40] pablo bartels: 8pm
[02.02.10 16:30:51] julia: later ok ? at 21:30pm
[02.02.10 16:30:57] pablo bartels: ok
[02.02.10 16:31:01] pablo bartels: byeeeeeeee
[02.02.10 16:31:01] julia: good
[02.02.10 16:31:04] pablo bartels: ok
[02.02.10 16:31:12] julia: byebye

[04.02.10 14:39:51] pablo bartels: hi
[04.02.10 14:41:51] julia_: Hi
[04.02.10 14:42:39] pablo bartels: how are you
[04.02.10 14:42:56] julia: I am ok and you ?
[04.02.10 14:43:10] pablo bartels: fine
[04.02.10 14:43:26] julia: Where have you been suddenly yesterday evening ?
[04.02.10 14:44:11] pablo bartels: i was in myhouse
[04.02.10 14:44:21] pablo bartels: here in u.k
[04.02.10 14:44:52] pablo bartels: what do you do for aliving
[04.02.10 14:45:11] pablo bartels: i mean your job
[04.02.10 14:46:24] julia_: No I mean did u go offline or was that again the messanger ?
[04.02.10 14:47:36] julia: hello ?
[04.02.10 14:48:54] julia_: This messanger is realy not good
[04.02.10 14:50:39] pablo bartels: are you there?
[04.02.10 14:51:36] julia: yes
[04.02.10 14:51:41] pablo bartels: yes i had bad connection
[04.02.10 14:51:42] pablo bartels: sorry
[04.02.10 14:51:45] julia_: did u not get my messages ?
[04.02.10 14:52:02] pablo bartels: mail?

Wieder Unterbrechung , er versucht anzurufen

[04.02.10 14:52:05] julia_: its unbelivabel this messanger here
[04.02.10 14:52:43] julia_: or what would you say ?
[04.02.10 14:54:23] julia_: I hear nothing
[04.02.10 14:54:53] julia_: but I can see you now online

Beim Anruf was er zwei mal versucht verstehe ich nichts , aber seitdem sehe ich ihn online.
Diese drei Nachrichten von mir kamen wieder bzw. noch nicht durch :

[04.02.10 14:54:53] julia: but I can see you now online
[04.02.10 15:06:44] julia: ok are u here again ?
[04.02.10 15:49:30] julia: hellooo
[04.02.10 15:59:00] julia: I don `t know why this messanger dosn`t work the most time , but I wanna tell you , I add you two in the yahoo messager from the MSN . You must find my invitaion in your accound there and I know it is possible to chat between Yahoo and MSN , so there will be perhaps a better conection .

Gegen 16 : 15 versucht er nochmal anzurufen über Skype ......wieder nix .

Um 16:17 nochmal....da höre ich plötzlich ne Verbindung aber nur kurz und er sagt nix .

Der Arme kann mich einfach nicht erreichen , dass tut mir irgendwie leid ......weil ich so keinen Versuch starten kann zu vermitteln zwischen Euch . er ist immer wieder on und off .......jetzt schon seit 2 stunden


Und plötzlich kommt wieder was durch , dieser bekloppte Messanger ist echt gestört , es sind teilweise Nachrichten von gestern Abend

[03.02.10 22:32:26] pablo bartels: so do i give you mine
[03.02.10 22:35:51] pablo bartels: hello
[03.02.10 22:35:59] pablo bartels: are u there?
[03.02.10 22:42:58] pablo bartels: hello
[03.02.10 22:43:08] pablo bartels: are you there
[03.02.10 22:48:47] pablo bartels: hello
[03.02.10 22:49:57] pablo bartels: hello
[03.02.10 22:50:08] pablo bartels: are you there?
[03.02.10 22:58:30] pablo bartels: +4470xxxxxxxxxxx
[03.02.10 22:58:42] pablo bartels: thats my number
[03.02.10 22:59:03] pablo bartels: you can call me when you are online

[04.02.10 15:43:45] pablo bartels: am back
[04.02.10 15:44:42] pablo bartels: hi
[04.02.10 15:44:58] pablo bartels: hello
[04.02.10 15:45:23] pablo bartels: hi
[04.02.10 15:46:00] pablo bartels: are you there
[04.02.10 15:46:20] pablo bartels: i have a badnetwork
[04.02.10 16:10:50] pablo bartels: hi
[04.02.10 16:10:59] pablo bartels: are you there
[04.02.10 16:15:16] pablo bartels: hello
[04.02.10 16:15:35] pablo bartels: are you there
[04.02.10 16:17:57] pablo bartels: hi
[04.02.10 16:19:50] pablo bartels: hello
[04.02.10 16:20:14] pablo bartels: are you there
[04.02.10 16:20:36] pablo bartels: ?
[04.02.10 16:22:12] pablo bartels: byeeeeeeee we talk later is ike you are very by nowus
[04.02.10 16:22:21] pablo bartels: byeeeeeeeee

Ich schrieb noch das , ist aber wieder AUSSTEHEND
[04.02.10 16:23:03] julia_: hey
[04.02.10 16:23:15] julia_: now i get your messages
[04.02.10 16:26:00] julia_s: ok I go now, till later

Er sagt Schüß aber dann plötzlich noch ein Versuch anzurufen von ihm : Ich höre diesmal kurz ein : Hello ....von ihm ....was er so von mir gehört hat weiß ich nicht ....ich hab auch immer nur hello gesagt .

Lach das ist so behindert , wie im Kindergarten, aber ok da haben wir nun eine Telefonummer .

Jetzt muss ich mich entscheiden ob ich da mal anrufen will ....soll....bzw. Sms.

Im Grunde kann ich ja einfach behaupten diese Nachricht mit der Telefonnummer kam (noch) nicht an *gg*

Hmm.......ich warte auf jeden Fall bis Du wieder da bist und dann besprechen wir das in Ruhe.

Ich bin erstaunt wie beharrlich er versucht diesen Messanger zu benutzen und nicht wieder den Vorschlag macht dass ich Yahoo instalieren soll oder so.

Bis gleich *küsschen*

Wie gesagt Julia will mir helfen mit meinem Mugu es ist schon lange kein Fight against the MUGU,but a fight for the MUGU...aber wird er es schnallen?????????????
Jedenfalls ist es deutlich bei Baby ist er in Nigeria in
höchster Not und jetzt wieder in UK und die Nummer kennen wir ja bereits

jetzt läuft alles durcheinander Chats mit Baby Barbara und mit Baby Julia...

Hi my love mr.smiley
I am very sorry for what happened,the last weeks… …I think we must have a little talk again ….may be if I tell you what happened here the last weeks… you understand my reaction of all this…that passport of yours is the worse of all…there is another fact….. and that is … I love you very much… in german … ich liebe dich ganz dolle…kissssssss mrs smiley

Pablo Bartels zegt:
how are you
barbara zegt:
i am fine and you
Pablo Bartels zegt:
barbara zegt:
ok that is good
you find the off messages
Pablo Bartels zegt:
barbara zegt:
what about your thoughts about that..
Pablo Bartels zegt:
about what
barbara zegt:
what s in the message
Pablo Bartels zegt:
about your sorry
barbara zegt:
i am really sorry but here happend also bad things
and what i know for shure
is that i really love you
Pablo Bartels zegt:
thats sweet of you
barbara zegt:
Pablo Bartels zegt:
but what???????????????????
barbara zegt:
i have had the police here
and they told me about fakes paspootes i have seen very much fake paspoortes
they showed me them
very bad
then i must go with them
they wanted to go into my computer
i did not let them...
Pablo Bartels zegt:
so what are you talking about now?
barbara zegt:
and all about that Elvis results
i have not tell them anything
they told me about romancescam
Pablo Bartels zegt:
and what about it?
barbara zegt:
that that is fraude
Pablo Bartels zegt:
what do you mean?
that i am a scam?
barbara zegt:
they even want to look into my phone
that you could be a scammer
so they even wanted phonenumbers
Pablo Bartels zegt:
shoiw them everything they wanted
barbara zegt:
Pablo Bartels zegt:
and whats yours on your mind?
tell me\
barbara zegt:
my minds are confused but my feelings are for shure
that i love you
Pablo Bartels zegt:
so why have you been disciving me?
barbara zegt:
disciving you..
you thing it is easy to be so hard on you and mean..

Je hebt een buzzer verzonden!

Val je contactpersoon niet te vaak lastig!

Pablo Bartels zegt:
barbara zegt:
what how? do you read what i tell you?
do you read what i tell you...
Pablo Bartels zegt:
yes ofcourse
did you love me
barbara zegt:
what have i told you
every time .....even .....if we are fighting....
Pablo Bartels zegt:
tell me
barbara zegt:
Pablo Bartels zegt:
am in the cafe
barbara zegt:
and what happend in the cafe?
Pablo Bartels zegt:
barbara zegt:
Pablo Bartels zegt:
barbara zegt:
do you understand what happend here?
it was really bad...
Pablo Bartels zegt:
what happens there?
barbara zegt:
the police....
Pablo Bartels zegt:
what about them?
barbara zegt:
i told you a few minutes ago
Pablo Bartels zegt:
i am tired of here]
do you want me?
barbara zegt:
always and forever
i am tired too
Pablo Bartels zegt:
so come and meet me here
or find a way for me to come
barbara zegt:
i must find a way for you to come....
Pablo Bartels zegt:
barbara zegt:
how i must do that i have never be in a plane and i told you
that i only get into a plane if you are next to mee
i told you that a long time ago
Pablo Bartels zegt:
yes you did
so i need to book for a ticket to come
barbara zegt:
so you need money to do that
Pablo Bartels zegt:
of course
i need it
thats what is keeping me
barbara zegt:
keeping ...?
Pablo Bartels zegt:
barbara zegt:
you only need money for the tickets now?
Pablo Bartels zegt:
barbara zegt:
and they let you go and you pay the rest for that salomon guy later?
Pablo Bartels zegt:
yes i already negotiated with him already
i gave him so contract document
barbara zegt:
and why now after so much suffer
for both of us?
he is a bad man
Pablo Bartels zegt:
yes he is
he agreed after so much pleading
barbara zegt:
if i ever meet that guy...
Pablo Bartels zegt:
the most important thing now is how am gonna leave here
barbara zegt:
Pablo Bartels zegt:
so what will you do and when?
barbara zegt:
i can not do because we are blogged
there is 400 euro now with petra
in germany
Pablo Bartels zegt:
tell her to tranfer it via the manager name
barbara zegt:
yes but she can do that not before next thursday
Pablo Bartels zegt:
thats far
barbara zegt:
because tommorow startes the carnaval
Pablo Bartels zegt:
which carnaval?
barbara zegt:
german carnaval the part of germany petra lives
Pablo Bartels zegt:
barbara zegt:
also in dutch these days
Pablo Bartels zegt:
what state i she?
barbara zegt:
carnaval have taken over
Pablo Bartels zegt:
barbara zegt:
big big party carnaval
all over the citys
Pablo Bartels zegt:
barbara zegt:
so tell me your thoughts about what happened the last weeks
Pablo Bartels zegt:
baby forget
its past
you made me angry
and i was so mad at you
barbara zegt:
but you can not understand it i was mad at you but loving you
Pablo Bartels zegt:
yes i am
barbara zegt:
do you get my feelings?
Pablo Bartels zegt:
yes i do
barbara zegt:
you know i can get your
Pablo Bartels zegt:
but i try to let it go
but i found it difficult
barbara zegt:
so we let it go...
any body there
Pablo Bartels zegt:
barbara zegt:
where are you?
Pablo Bartels zegt:
barbara zegt:
tell me about your last weeks
where have you been

Je hebt een buzzer verzonden!

Pablo Bartels zegt:
i have been here at the hotel
barbara zegt:
that is all
only the hotel and the internet cafe
Pablo Bartels zegt:
where else?
barbara zegt:
i dont know
Pablo Bartels zegt:
maybe you know better than me
barbara zegt:
i want to know
Pablo Bartels zegt:
cause you know where i should be
and you are asking
barbara zegt:
you dont want me to ask
Pablo Bartels zegt:
you are free
barbara zegt:
Pablo Bartels zegt:
are you there
barbara zegt:
Pablo Bartels zegt:
i am back sorry
Pablo Bartels zegt:
barbara zegt:
a friend
Pablo Bartels zegt:
i want to sleep
try to call me
barbara zegt:
i can not call you right now
Pablo Bartels zegt:
barbara zegt:
i go to bed now
Pablo Bartels zegt:
what are you still doing online?
barbara zegt:
i did not say good bye
and even in a fight we say good bye
Pablo Bartels zegt:
no i told you i was going to bed
didnt i?
barbara zegt:
bye then
Pablo Bartels zegt:

Das Ganze wird immer Echter,für unseren Mugu schatz auch beinahe immer unglaubwürdiger,warum kann Baby ihn jetzt nicht einfach ziehen lassen die Verbindung verbrechen...das ist doch ganz einfach...einfach delete Pablo Walter und Pablo Bartels?Wie gesagt DESTINY...

Auch Julia gibt sich Mühe um diesen MUGU in die richtige direction zu schicken

So ich hab jetzt den Namen geändert in JuliaSchöning und wenn ich nicht direkt den Chat kopiere sondern den Text im Archiv suche und kopiere erscheint er so wie Du das ja gewohnt bist und brauchst :

Er fängt hier dann auch plötzlich bald mit I fall in love with you blablabla an ....hab einfach irgnoriert , gesagt das ich einfach nur seine Gesundheit bin und ihn retten möchte und Sachen sehen kann , dass das ein Geschenk von Gott an mich ist ...und mich so gut es ging nur auf seine Gesundheit und später auf die andere Frau die schon da ist und ihn wirklich liebt und ihm ein neues Leben geben will konzentriert .

Wirste ja sehn ...

22:32:19 pablobartels: hi

22:32:25 Julia Schöning: hey

22:32:50 Julia Schöning: So you add me now ...fine

22:33:17 pablobartels: yes baby

22:34:45 Julia Schöning: how are you now ?

22:35:05 pablobartels: am fine

22:35:15 pablobartels: how is work?

22:35:29 Julia Schöning: is ? or was ?

22:35:49 pablobartels: or sorry

22:35:58 pablobartels: ohh sorry

22:36:30 Julia Schöning: work was ok .....also now

22:36:42 pablobartels: ok

22:37:42 Julia Schöning: Ok , I am waiting ....

Hier lässt er mich erstmal warten, ich hab Dich am Telefon und weiß ja warum ...

22:38:46 pablobartels: i miss you so much

22:39:25 Julia Schöning: yes ,but you can find me if you realy want

22:39:47 pablobartels: yes i want

22:39:50 pablobartels: but how?

22:40:12 Julia Schöning: Just know , that everything is possible

22:40:35 pablobartels: yes it is\

22:41:46 Julia Schöning: When I found you ....its because you searched me bevor

22:42:14 pablobartels: yes and i fell in love with you

22:43:40 Julia Schöning: thats good , so you have love for your health

22:44:55 pablobartels: yours too

22:45:22 Julia Schöning: we will see

22:45:33 pablobartels: good

22:45:45 pablobartels: have you kids?

22:46:18 Julia Schöning: smile......all humans are my kids

22:46:49 pablobartels: really?

22:47:29 Julia Schöning: yes .....I told you that I care for littel children ?

22:47:52 pablobartels: yes you did]

22:48:03 pablobartels: but do you have kids?

22:49:39 Julia Schöning: is that important for you ?

22:49:52 pablobartels: yes baby

22:49:56 pablobartels: tell me

22:50:12 Julia Schöning: The girl on your pic , is that your daugther ?

22:50:31 pablobartels: yes baby

22:51:04 Julia Schöning: She looks , as if she has an african mum

22:51:24 Julia Schöning: Am I right ?

22:52:07 pablobartels: they stay with mymum in america

22:53:14 Julia Schöning: So the mum of your children was a beautiful african women ....

22:53:34 pablobartels: no

22:53:45 pablobartels: an america woman

22:54:15 Julia Schöning: but your daughter looks like an half african child

22:54:38 Julia Schöning: and now you told me she is in africa...

22:55:22 pablobartels: no america

22:55:50 pablobartels: she and myson stay with mymun in america

22:56:59 Julia Schöning: oh sorry ...I read it wrong ?

22:57:44 pablobartels: ok

22:58:14 Julia Schöning: you are in a distance today ...I can feel that

23:00:02 Julia Schöning: you tell me that you love something about me , but the sane time you go in a distance

23:00:03 pablobartels: how?

23:00:19 pablobartels: no i cant

23:00:20 pablobartels: i am always with you

23:00:46 Julia Schöning: your kind of writing to me tell me that

23:01:02 Julia Schöning: but its ok .....and normal

23:01:02 pablobartels: no baby

23:01:05 pablobartels: i am here with you

23:01:15 pablobartels: no dont say so

23:01:34 Julia Schöning: Never try to muck me kay

23:02:07 Julia Schöning: I know and feel more then the most human

23:02:11 pablobartels: i dont get

23:03:07 Julia Schöning: when you don `t get me how could you say that you miss me ?

23:04:10 pablobartels: i got you

23:06:02 Julia Schöning: and what does that mean ?

23:06:40 pablobartels: baby i am lost

23:07:58 Julia Schöning: why ?

23:09:43 pablobartels: i dont know what you are talking about

23:10:39 Julia Schöning: what do you mean with : I got you and I am lost ?

23:11:02 pablobartels: forget

23:11:08 pablobartels: lets continue baby

23:11:48 Julia Schöning: about what you want to continue ?

23:12:42 pablobartels: about ourself

23:13:42 Julia Schöning: I have never talk about other things

23:14:29 pablobartels: you making me more comfuse

23:15:37 Julia Schöning: I am sorry

23:15:59 Julia Schöning: just that I am your health

23:16:39 Julia Schöning: will you trust me ?

23:17:06 pablobartels: yes i will

23:17:09 pablobartels: and you?

23:17:55 Julia Schöning: Since now.......I only trust in God

23:18:16 pablobartels: yes

23:18:25 pablobartels: but have little trust on me

23:20:45 Julia Schöning: what can that bring me ?

23:21:39 Julia Schöning: For me now its so , I am not sick , but you ...so you have to trust in me

23:21:52 pablobartels: ok i will

23:22:05 pablobartels: but when you are sick you still have to trust in me

23:24:13 Julia Schöning: yes I will when there is such a situartion

23:24:21 pablobartels: ok

23:24:55 Julia Schöning: but at time you habe to put your trust in me

23:25:20 Julia Schöning: because I am not sick but you

23:25:33 pablobartels: ok

23:25:46 pablobartels: trust you to do what?

23:26:17 Julia Schöning: what do you allow to do for you ?

23:26:36 pablobartels: show me much love

23:27:29 Julia Schöning: so I will pray for your health

23:27:38 pablobartels: thank you

23:27:43 pablobartels: ok

23:27:58 Julia Schöning: It will be better soon

23:28:05 pablobartels: ok

23:28:11 Julia Schöning: yes

23:28:17 pablobartels: have you cam yet?

23:28:28 Julia Schöning: no

23:28:39 pablobartels: ok

23:29:00 Julia Schöning: you ?

23:29:20 pablobartels: yes but i havent used for long

23:29:24 pablobartels: let me try

23:29:43 Julia Schöning: surley

23:29:49 Julia Schöning: try

23:30:03 Julia Schöning:

So , an der Stelle versucht er echt mir seine Webcam zu zeigen , doch der Messanger meldet , dass er das zeigen der Webcam noch nicht unterstützt.

jo ein mugu spielt mit der cam...nur wird man ihn niemals zu sehen bekommen...

Ich weiß aber nicht , was das bedeutet , warum das so war , es könnte ein technisches Komunikationsproblem zwischen den unterschiedlichen Messangern sein ,

oder das er irgendwas gemacht hat , was mir schooon soweit zeigten sollte, dass da ne Art Webcam aktivierung ausgelöst wurde auf seiner Seite , aber dann wieder unterdrückt wird oder so ähnlich , frag mal am besten mal Petra .

23:30:36 pablobartels: can you see?

23:30:47 Julia Schöning: no

23:30:56 pablobartels: but its open

23:32:02 Julia Schöning: I got the message that it will not aided

23:32:20 pablobartels: what?

23:33:14 Julia Schöning: it will not assisted

23:34:08 pablobartels: how?

23:34:17 Julia Schöning: I don `t know

23:34:34 pablobartels: ok

23:35:01 Julia Schöning: just that I can see now not your cam

23:35:11 pablobartels: what?

23:35:22 Julia Schöning: what what ?

23:35:32 pablobartels: yes

23:35:37 pablobartels: do you se?

23:35:50 Julia Schöning: no it does not work

23:36:03 Julia Schöning: and I dont know why

23:36:50 pablobartels: me too

23:37:18 Julia Schöning: but no fear ....you know we have had always in the begin problems with every connection , but later it works ....

23:38:13 pablobartels: ok

23:38:44 Julia Schöning: so we have to be patiet thats all

23:39:00 Julia Schöning: patient

23:39:14 pablobartels: ok baby

23:39:18 pablobartels: go get one ok

23:39:51 Julia Schöning: all I want to beg you is ....dont die before

23:40:13 pablobartels: before what ?

23:40:52 Julia Schöning: befor I can see you trough webcam

23:41:03 pablobartels: no never

23:41:18 Julia Schöning: is that a promice ?

23:41:44 pablobartels: yes]

23:43:59 Julia Schöning: good.....so you will ever survive

23:44:11 pablobartels: ok

23:44:46 Julia Schöning: how are you now ?

23:45:06 pablobartels: i am better when i am with you

23:45:31 Julia Schöning: yes , thats normal

23:45:45 pablobartels: ok

23:46:05 Julia Schöning: is ok your favorit word ?

23:47:11 pablobartels: whats that?

23:50:36 Julia Schöning: hm ?

23:53:18 Julia Schöning: what are you doing ? can you tell me the symptom of your sickness please ?

23:53:44 pablobartels: i cant eat i have headache and i am weak

23:54:30 Julia Schöning: your pains are in your head ?

23:56:43 pablobartels: yes

23:56:53 pablobartels: and i have high temperature

23:57:37 Julia Schöning: ok .....so you have to go into your heard now .....just try try try.....can you do that for me ?

23:57:51 Julia Schöning: heart

23:58:13 pablobartels: how can i do that?

23:58:37 Julia Schöning: go into your heart .....

23:58:40 Julia Schöning: NOW

23:58:47 Julia Schöning: and trust the life

23:59:04 pablobartels: ok

23:59:19 Julia Schöning: I can save you

23:59:32 Julia Schöning: I am here for you to save you

23:59:47 pablobartels: ok

00:00:01 Julia Schöning: do you realy get that ?

00:00:13 pablobartels: yes i did

00:00:56 Julia Schöning: when you got me you can see , what I can do

00:01:19 Julia Schöning: and I can see..

00:01:27 pablobartels: ok

00:02:01 Julia Schöning: I can see you .....and everything

00:02:12 pablobartels: ok

00:02:30 Julia Schöning: Do you believe me ?

00:03:12 pablobartels: yes i do

00:03:14 pablobartels: and you?"

00:03:44 Julia Schöning: I can see a woman who loves you ....

00:04:27 pablobartels: who is that

00:04:32 pablobartels: tell me

00:05:40 Julia Schöning: I just see now ....God gives me this gift to see things

00:06:03 pablobartels: ok

00:06:12 pablobartels: and who did he tell you?

00:06:27 Julia Schöning: she want to give you a new life

00:06:42 pablobartels: who is that?

00:06:46 pablobartels: please tell me

00:07:13 Julia Schöning: God tell me now you konow that by yourself

00:07:29 pablobartels: i dont know

00:07:33 pablobartels: the only one i know is you

00:07:46 Julia Schöning: no ...

00:07:55 pablobartels: who then?

00:08:41 Julia Schöning: I dont know , but there is an other woman in your life , who whant to give you a new life

00:09:06 pablobartels: ok if you say so

00:10:07 Julia Schöning: I never make mistakes when I see such things

00:10:37 pablobartels: ok

00:14:59 Julia Schöning: jes ?

00:17:00 pablobartels: what?

00:19:14 Julia Schöning: why dont you want to understand me ?

00:19:43 pablobartels: its cause of my health

00:20:37 Julia Schöning: ok , is it better when you go to sleep now ?

00:20:49 pablobartels: ok

00:21:05 Julia Schöning: yes or no ?

00:21:35 pablobartels: maybe a little

00:22:11 pablobartels: will you call me before i go to bed?

00:22:39 Julia Schöning: Ok , I can do that if you need

00:22:46 pablobartels: i need

00:22:49 pablobartels: goodnight

00:23:36 pablobartels: send me pic

00:23:39 pablobartels: ok

00:23:43 Julia Schöning: yes ...and when can I do that ? .......

00:23:58 pablobartels: now

00:24:29 Julia Schöning: just right now ?

00:24:45 pablobartels: yes baby

00:24:49 Julia Schöning: o ...

00:24:59 Julia Schöning: ok...I will do that

00:25:09 Julia Schöning: bye here for now

00:25:27 pablobartels: ok

Ging dann auf Klo erst , was trinken und dann rief ich ihn kurz an , ich hab ihm gesagt , dass er daran glauben muss gesund zu werden und in seine innere Kraft gehen soll aber er erzählt mir was von er sei zu schwach und so .... . Aber irgendwie hab ich nur die Hälfte verstanden und ihn dann gebeten nochma kurz online zu kommen .

00:43:11 Julia Schöning: can u understand me ?

00:43:15 pablobartels: yes

00:43:20 Julia Schöning: good

00:43:54 Julia Schöning: and very good that ur answer came very fast

00:44:06 pablobartels: reallu

00:45:18 Julia Schöning: I dont want to stress you ........just want bring you in your whole potency ok

00:45:50 pablobartels: ok

00:45:56 Julia Schöning: I know you can have it

00:46:12 pablobartels: ok

00:46:36 Julia Schöning: so ....

00:47:02 Julia Schöning: never again say you are weak ok

00:47:13 pablobartels: ok ma

00:47:17 Julia Schöning: ma ?

00:47:37 pablobartels: madam

Hier 2, 5 min Pause , er ist am Telefonieren ..sagt er später

00:49:33 pablobartels: ok

00:49:57 Julia Schöning: this answer takes to long ...

00:50:27 pablobartels: how?

00:50:40 pablobartels: i was on phone

00:52:05 Julia Schöning: ok .....call now the woman you realy love ....she is waiting for your call ....

00:53:17 pablobartels: nooooooooo

00:53:31 pablobartels: my daughter called me

00:55:22 Julia Schöning: ok .....but after that you call the woman you realy love .....and I know its not me ......but just do it

00:55:56 pablobartels: why are you talking like this?

00:57:36 Julia Schöning: have I told you , that I can see the truth ?

00:57:57 pablobartels: what truth?

00:58:04 pablobartels: that i love you]

00:58:08 pablobartels: what again

00:58:23 pablobartels: why are you acting like this

00:58:33 pablobartels: is it a crime to fall in love

00:58:44 Julia Schöning: what is love ?

00:59:42 pablobartels: love is feelings you develop for some one you cherish most

01:01:55 Julia Schöning: I dont want to cherish an illusion ...

01:02:17 pablobartels: if thats how you feel\

01:02:39 Julia Schöning: but I know , there is a woman who love you

01:03:03 pablobartels: who is that woman?

01:04:04 Julia Schöning: you have to know by yourself

01:04:21 Julia Schöning: just follow your heart

01:08:02 pablobartels: baby can you go and sleep

Da kam ein buzz

01:09:33 Julia Schöning: I am here ...

01:10:49 pablobartels: you are adding more problem to my proble,

01:10:54 pablobartels: i love you

01:11:00 pablobartels: and its for real

01:11:25 Julia Schöning: you love problems ?

01:11:53 pablobartels: i am sick and you know

01:12:36 Julia Schöning: ok , so you have to go to rest now

01:13:22 pablobartels: why baby

01:13:52 Julia Schöning: I realy dont want to give you more problems .....realy not

01:13:54 pablobartels: you most tellme something good tonight

01:15:22 Julia Schöning: Is it not good , that there is an other woman that I can see , who love you and want to give you a new life ?

01:15:56 pablobartels: tellme who is that

01:16:23 Julia Schöning: cant you see that ?

01:16:41 pablobartels: who

01:16:49 pablobartels: tell me

01:18:00 Julia Schöning: you know ....you know...

01:18:49 Julia Schöning: I am going to sleep now ......

01:18:50 pablobartels: who tell me please

01:19:13 Julia Schöning: just feel about

01:21:10 pablobartels: ok

01:21:26 pablobartels: let go to bed now

01:21:40 Julia Schöning: good night for you .......just feel about how much luck you have , and try to trust , more then you ever have done

01:22:13 pablobartels: am confuse about your word

01:22:57 pablobartels: ijust hope god should me my through love

01:23:14 pablobartels: byeeeeeeeeeee

01:23:20 Julia Schöning: bye you lucky one no dont be confused ......

01:24:21 pablobartels: byeeeeeeeeee

01:24:32 Julia Schöning: byeee , slee well

01:24:35 Julia Schöning: sleep

01:24:49 pablobartels: call me tomorow

01:25:05 Julia Schöning: ok ........

Status geändert in Getrennt (01:25:42)

22:48:15 Julia Schöning: Hi
22:48:28 pablobartels: hi

22:48:37 pablobartels: how are you

22:48:52 Julia Schöning: I am fine and you ?

22:49:20 pablobartels: fine

22:50:35 Julia Schöning: so you are health now again ?

22:51:19 pablobartels: am fine now

22:52:40 Julia Schöning: ok, did you try to call me now? because you always called me with a hidden number .....so I never know if you was that or not

22:53:02 pablobartels: ok

22:53:12 pablobartels: i was the one

22:53:54 Julia Schöning: good , thats why I came online

22:54:32 Julia Schöning: but it seams that you have not much to say

22:54:45 pablobartels: thank you baby

22:55:10 pablobartels: are you a prophet or what

22:55:29 pablobartels: tell me more about yourself

22:56:18 pablobartels: how?

22:56:46 Julia Schöning: So the woman who love you call you then ?!

22:57:02 pablobartels: not like that

22:57:33 pablobartels: but i receive call from a woman

22:57:50 pablobartels: i saw here on myspace

22:58:12 pablobartels: the first month i was on myspace

22:59:10 pablobartels: i have feelings for her

22:59:41 pablobartels: she is from holand

23:00:12 Julia Schöning: how do you mean that now ?

23:00:50 pablobartels: after the dead of mywife

23:02:15 pablobartels: i redister with myspace here

23:03:14 Julia Schöning: ok , and now you have feelings for her .....and she for you , thats nice

23:03:48 pablobartels: she was the one that call me today

23:07:52 pablobartels: i really love her but i dont know if she love me

23:08:46 Julia Schöning: and why do you wrote me then , that you love me ???

23:10:11 pablobartels: are you there

23:10:19 Julia Schöning: yes

23:10:32 Julia Schöning: and I ask : and why do you wrote me then , that you love me ???

23:12:52 pablobartels: because the woman didnt trust me

23:12:52 pablobartels: we were not talking again

23:15:29 Julia Schöning: but I sayed there is a woman who love you ....so I think she must trust you to when you say that you have feelings for her

23:16:02 pablobartels: yes

23:16:15 pablobartels: but i love her

23:16:32 Julia Schöning: why should she call you otherwise ?

23:16:54 pablobartels: idont know about her love for me

23:17:33 Julia Schöning: what do you mean with that ?

23:18:48 pablobartels: because she dont trust me

23:19:00 pablobartels: but i do for her

23:19:30 Julia Schöning: but you trust me or ?

23:19:59 pablobartels: i trust you as a friend now

23:20:08 pablobartels: a nice friend

23:20:15 Julia Schöning: ok

23:21:13 pablobartels: please advice me baby

23:22:04 Julia Schöning: do you call all your friends baby ?

23:27:29 pablobartels: yes

23:27:55 pablobartels: it does not means anythings to me

23:29:17 Julia Schöning: what for an advice you want now from me ?

23:30:24 pablobartels: you are a woman

23:30:41 pablobartels: you can give me some advice

23:31:17 Julia Schöning: what is the exact problem ?

23:31:57 pablobartels: i dont understand

23:32:59 Julia Schöning: When you love her and she loves you there should be no problem

23:33:16 Julia Schöning: or ?

23:33:57 pablobartels: how do you know she love me

23:33:58 pablobartels: she dont trust me

23:34:31 Julia Schöning: in witch way you mean that she dont trust you ?

23:34:40 pablobartels: and i do

23:35:30 Julia Schöning: how shows she that she dont trust you ?

23:38:19 pablobartels: as two lovers if you tell me what is truth you have to beleave

23:38:20 pablobartels: because love is there

23:40:25 Julia Schöning: I am sorry to tell you now, but I see more , that you dont trust her .....altrought you say other things

23:41:59 pablobartels: i love her

23:42:11 pablobartels: i cherish her

23:42:19 pablobartels: i trust her

23:42:32 pablobartels: if i dont trust

23:43:02 pablobartels: i will have close my account not to see her

23:44:10 Julia Schöning: But I see you have fear for something

23:44:43 pablobartels: what is that

23:44:50 pablobartels: tell me please

23:45:14 Julia Schöning: but you dont needed to have fear

23:46:57 Julia Schöning: Where Love is there is no fear

23:47:30 pablobartels: ok if you say so

23:47:58 Julia Schöning: yes where fear is , there is no real love

23:48:07 pablobartels: ok

23:48:29 pablobartels: thank you very much baby

23:51:47 Julia Schöning: how can this woman be sure , that her feelings for her dont go so soon away or changes fro on day to the other like it were by me ?

23:52:03 Julia Schöning: your feelings for her

23:52:10 Julia Schöning: I wanted to say

23:52:40 pablobartels: i love her

23:52:59 Julia Schöning: yes , you said the same to me

23:53:05 pablobartels: she is online with me

23:53:10 pablobartels: now

23:53:31 pablobartels: i real love her

23:53:38 pablobartels: i really

23:53:42 pablobartels: do

23:54:08 Julia Schöning: And how could you fall then in love with an other woman ?

23:55:15 Julia Schöning: with me ?

23:55:38 pablobartels: you are a friend to me

23:55:48 pablobartels: i like you

23:56:01 pablobartels: you are a good friend

23:56:47 Julia Schöning: I know , but why did you told me yesterday other things ?

23:57:31 pablobartels: because i was feeling that she have lelf me

23:57:52 pablobartels: thats why

23:58:10 pablobartels: am very sorry about that

23:58:14 pablobartels: really

23:58:20 pablobartels: really

23:58:24 pablobartels: sorry

00:00:39 Julia Schöning: its ok , I have know from the begining on that you dont love me

00:01:32 pablobartels: i do

00:01:46 pablobartels: but as a good friend

00:02:00 pablobartels: because i have someone i love

00:02:18 pablobartels: you are my good friend

00:03:39 Julia Schöning: ok , but to an good friend you dont have to say that you fall in love with hom and see this friend perhaps as your wife , but you do

00:06:08 pablobartels: i know

00:06:35 pablobartels: but is act of fastraction

00:07:18 pablobartels: am sorry for that

00:08:08 Julia Schöning: what is fastraction ?

00:08:40 Julia Schöning: you mean frustration ?

00:09:00 pablobartels: no one with you

00:09:11 pablobartels: lonely life

00:09:24 Julia Schöning: what ?

00:09:52 pablobartels: yes am sorry

00:10:06 pablobartels: thats what i mean

00:10:41 Julia Schöning: however , I whish you good luck

00:11:24 Julia Schöning: and a lot of brave

00:11:41 Julia Schöning: I will go now , good bye

00:12:02 pablobartels: ok

00:12:06 pablobartels: byeeeeeeeee

00:12:16 pablobartels: let me talk her

00:13:32 pablobartels: try and call me tomorow please

00:13:33 pablobartels: you are really a good friend

00:13:33 pablobartels: thank you verymuch

00:13:42 pablobartels: i pray tomeet

00:13:59 pablobartels: her soon

00:14:17 pablobartels: i will tell her about our meeting

00:14:25 pablobartels: byeeeeee

00:14:34 Julia Schöning: ok , bye

00:15:00 pablobartels: byeeeeeeee

wie gesagt Julia überlasst uns den Rest,aber werden wir das schaffen,Wir träumen immer vom Märchenprinzen,aber wenn der Märchenprinz zum Black MUGU Prince wird?

Valentine’s Day gives me a reason to express the feelings I think about but don’t say about people who enrich my life in unique and meaningful ways. You are this kind of special person. When I think of you, my thoughts are warm, and fond, and filled with admiration. I feel blessed to know you. May your Valentine’s Day be filled with the love and respect you deserve

May the road Rise up to meet you
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm Upon your face
And the rain fall soft Upon your fields,
And until we meet again,
May God hold you In the palm of his hand

Da wir merken dfas er seinen Pablo Bartels doch zum scammen gebrauchen will,seinen skype Pablo Bartels an sein My Space gekoppelt hat wird Baby jetzt wieder ziemlich zickig
wie gesagt ihr Bad Boy verdient sein Bad Girl
ab jetzt hält sie den Pablo Bartels Yahoo account geschlossen...und Schatzilein kann da nicht mehr rein.....
i am a fast learner and all you can do i can do...and what is important
everything i do i do it for you....
lest mal es stimmt wirklich
Look into my eyes you will see,
What you mean to me.
Search your heart, search your soul,
And when you find me there,
You'll search no more.

Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' for.
You can't tell me it's not worth dyin' for.
You know it's true.
Everything I do, I do it for you.

Look into your heart, you will find,
There's nothin' there to hide.
Take me as I am. Take my life.
I would give it all.
I would sacrifice.

Don't tell me it's not worth fightin' for.
I can't help it, there's nothin' I want more.
You know it's true.
Everything I do, I do it for you.

Oh, yeah.

((There's no love like your love.))
((And no other could give more love.))
((There's nowhere, unless you're there.))
((All the time, all the way.))

Look into your heart, baby.

Oh, you can't tell me it's not worth tryin' for.
I can't help it, there's nothin' I want more.
((Yeah, I would fight for you, I'd lie for you.))
((Walk the wire for you,))
Yeah, I'd die for you.

You know it's true.
Everything I do, oh-oh-oh-oh,
I do it for you.

Everything I do, darlin',
We'll see it through.
Oh, we'll see it through.
Oh yeah.

You can't tell me it was that hard.
Oh, yeah.
I'd be better.
Yeah, yeah eh.
One time.
We're going all the way, all the way.

Pablo Walter (13-2-2010 23:25:22): hi
barbara (13-2-2010 23:25:46): ok that is nice mr smiley
Pablo Walter (13-2-2010 23:26:33): i try my other account is not connecting
Pablo Walter (13-2-2010 23:26:58): thats why i use this old account for you

nicht ganz schatzilein,ich halte den pablobartels geschlossen,i am really a bad girl for you,

Pablo Walter (13-2-2010 23:27:16): and you alone
Pablo Walter (13-2-2010 23:27:30): i miss you mylove
barbara(13-2-2010 23:27:40): i miss you too
barbara (13-2-2010 23:27:55): wait i have a little gift
Pablo Walter (13-2-2010 23:28:08): how are you baby
barbar (13-2-2010 23:28:10): you promisse that you look at it?
Pablo Walter (13-2-2010 23:28:24): ok mylove
barbara (13-2-2010 23:28:47): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGoWtY_h4xo
barbara (13-2-2010 23:28:53): go there
barbara(13-2-2010 23:29:08): and tell me what you see
Pablo Walter (13-2-2010 23:30:43): bryan adam,everything i do i do it for you
barbara (13-2-2010 23:31:20): you like it my love
Pablo Walter (13-2-2010 23:31:55): yes baby
barbara (13-2-2010 23:32:06): really
barbara (13-2-2010 23:34:20): so i am fine and you
barbara (13-2-2010 23:34:56): anybuddy there
Pablo Walter (13-2-2010 23:35:15): yes baby
barbarab(13-2-2010 23:35:16): body
barbara(13-2-2010 23:35:20): where
Pablo Walter (13-2-2010 23:35:31): here with you
barbarabartels64 (13-2-2010 23:35:38): really
barbarabartels64 (13-2-2010 23:36:28): then tell me how are you and what have you done today?
Pablo Walter (13-2-2010 23:38:10): am fine
Pablo Walter (13-2-2010 23:38:11): it was raining here today
barbara (13-2-2010 23:38:39): raining ?
barbara (13-2-2010 23:38:52): here it is snowing...
Pablo Walter (13-2-2010 23:39:02): really
Pablo Walter (13-2-2010 23:42:31): are you there
barbara (13-2-2010 23:42:49): yes my love but i saw you writing
barbara (13-2-2010 23:43:08): and then there was nothing
barbarab (13-2-2010 23:43:17): so i was waiting
Pablo Walter (13-2-2010 23:43:37): ok
Pablo Walter (13-2-2010 23:43:54): how was your day
barbara (13-2-2010 23:44:10): working in the house cleaning
barbar (13-2-2010 23:44:16): and yours?
Pablo Walter (13-2-2010 23:46:44): showing mr solomon the instrument in mysite
barbarab(13-2-2010 23:47:39): ooh that is nice of yours
barbara(13-2-2010 23:47:48): did he liked it
Pablo Walter (13-2-2010 23:48:11): he like some
barbara (13-2-2010 23:48:31): not all?
Pablo Walter (13-2-2010 23:49:27): yes
barbara (13-2-2010 23:55:26): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGoWtY_h4xo

barbara (14-2-2010 0:03:09): my love i go to bed
barbara(14-2-2010 0:03:34): because i am very tired
Pablo Walter (14-2-2010 0:03:47): ok let go to bed now
Pablo Walter (14-2-2010 0:03:54): i love you
barbara(14-2-2010 0:04:30): i love you too
barbarab (14-2-2010 0:04:43): but i was waiting to long now
barbara (14-2-2010 0:04:53): no reaction
Pablo Walter (14-2-2010 0:05:09): i understand mylove
barbara(14-2-2010 0:05:14): how
barbara (14-2-2010 0:05:27): where are you?
Pablo Walter (14-2-2010 0:06:20): in the cafe
Pablo Walter (14-2-2010 0:06:43): about going to the hotel room now
barbara (14-2-2010 0:06:53): ok bye
barbara (14-2-2010 0:07:01):
Pablo Walter (14-2-2010 0:07:33): bye mylove
Pablo Walter (14-2-2010 0:07:41):
barbara (14-2-2010 0:07:47): bye my love mr smiley
Pablo Walter (14-2-2010 0:08:13): bye mylove mrs smiley
barbara(14-2-2010 0:08:22): sleep well

Pablo Walter (14-2-2010 23:20:15): hi
barbara (14-2-2010 23:20:23): Kiss
barbara (14-2-2010 23:20:42): hi my love
Pablo Walter (14-2-2010 23:21:05): how are you
barbara (14-2-2010 23:21:43): fine and you?
Pablo Walter (14-2-2010 23:22:01): fine
barbara (14-2-2010 23:22:23): i wish you a happy valentine my valentine
Pablo Walter (14-2-2010 23:23:06): i wish the same mylove
barbara (14-2-2010 23:23:30): you got your offs?
Pablo Walter (14-2-2010 23:24:45): no
barbara (14-2-2010 23:24:56): no
barbara (14-2-2010 23:24:59): ?
barbara (14-2-2010 23:25:15): are they lost now?
Pablo Walter (14-2-2010 23:25:45): i do not understand you mylove
barbara (14-2-2010 23:26:18): i sendet you 2 off messages
Pablo Walter (14-2-2010 23:27:36): yes mylove
Pablo Walter (14-2-2010 23:27:48): now i understand
barbara (14-2-2010 23:28:00): you find them
Pablo Walter (14-2-2010 23:29:06): yes mylove
Pablo Walter (14-2-2010 23:29:42): my other account is not sinning in
Pablo Walter (14-2-2010 23:29:58): that why i use this for you now
barbara (14-2-2010 23:30:19): it doesnt matter wich account
barbara (14-2-2010 23:30:35): you made the other one
barbar (14-2-2010 23:30:57): i still not know why?
Pablo Walter (14-2-2010 23:31:32): ok mylove
Pablo Walter (14-2-2010 23:31:44): i really miss you today
barbara (14-2-2010 23:31:57): i miss you always
barbara (14-2-2010 23:32:06): not only today
Pablo Walter (14-2-2010 23:32:39): i really do today
Pablo Walter (14-2-2010 23:33:08): i need you by myside now
barbara (14-2-2010 23:33:24): me too
barbara(14-2-2010 23:33:35): Kiss
barbara (14-2-2010 23:34:49): so tell me about what you told me on the phone
barbara (14-2-2010 23:35:02): because the connection was so bad
Pablo Walter (14-2-2010 23:35:55): i said i told mr solomon am go to leavves his hotel by weekends
barbara (14-2-2010 23:36:23): 'ok again the salomon guy
barbara (14-2-2010 23:36:56): i dont like this name
Pablo Walter (14-2-2010 23:37:09): i know baby
Pablo Walter (14-2-2010 23:37:40): is just for this week after i leave him for good
barbara (14-2-2010 23:37:49): yes i know
barbara (14-2-2010 23:38:04): but what was that about a sister
Pablo Walter (14-2-2010 23:39:08): thats is mr solomon sisters
barbara(14-2-2010 23:39:26): mr salomon have a sister
barbara(14-2-2010 23:39:55): ???????????
Pablo Walter (14-2-2010 23:40:02): yes baby
barbara (14-2-2010 23:40:25): what about the sister?

hier soll er mir eigentlich was anderes erzählen....er soll mir von Julia erzählen,das macht er aber nicht

Pablo Walter (14-2-2010 23:41:08): told her about what happen b/w me and mr solomon
Pablo Walter (14-2-2010 23:41:26): she was bad at mr solomon
barbara (14-2-2010 23:41:47): oh really
barbara(14-2-2010 23:41:52): tell me?
barbara(14-2-2010 23:42:12): Kiss
Pablo Walter (14-2-2010 23:42:41): i her how agrement we made

Pablo Walter (15-2-2010 0:00:02): tellme
barbara(15-2-2010 0:01:02): only me and the horses and the dog and the cat
barbara (15-2-2010 0:01:23): and in my mind you off course
barbar (15-2-2010 0:01:37): and you my lovely mr smiley
Pablo Walter (15-2-2010 0:01:57): all alone
Pablo Walter (15-2-2010 0:02:11): thinking about you mylove
barbara (15-2-2010 0:02:50): how about the salomon sister
barbara (15-2-2010 0:03:03): is she a nice lady?
barbara (15-2-2010 0:03:07): Angel
Pablo Walter (15-2-2010 0:03:25): maybe
Pablo Walter (15-2-2010 0:03:41): because i dont know her so much
barbara (15-2-2010 0:03:51): why?
Pablo Walter (15-2-2010 0:04:14): i just meet her today
Pablo Walter (15-2-2010 0:04:51): she go back with her kids tomorow to south africa
barbara (15-2-2010 0:05:46): she is from south africa
Pablo Walter (15-2-2010 0:06:31): she stay there
Pablo Walter (15-2-2010 0:06:51): she from nigeria
barbara (15-2-2010 0:07:41): ok
barbara (15-2-2010 0:08:07): have you eaten mylove?
barbara (15-2-2010 0:08:15): in the hotel?
Pablo Walter (15-2-2010 0:08:58): yes but not in the hotel
barbara (15-2-2010 0:09:17): where and what
Pablo Walter (15-2-2010 0:10:05): at the restrurant
Pablo Walter (15-2-2010 0:10:42): i eaten rice and beef
barbara (15-2-2010 0:11:16): you and your rice you like rice so much
barbara (15-2-2010 0:11:37): Kiss
er chatted fremd warscheinlich im barryfrank24@yahoo.com
Pablo Walter (15-2-2010 0:14:36): yes baby
barbar (15-2-2010 0:14:38): ANYBODY THERE
Pablo Walter (15-2-2010 0:14:57): that is what i can eat now
barbara (15-2-2010 0:15:31): but you eat it in uk too
Pablo Walter (15-2-2010 0:16:58): yes baby
Pablo Walter (15-2-2010 0:19:57): baby let go to bed now
Pablo Walter (15-2-2010 0:20:27): am feeling sleeping
barbara (15-2-2010 0:20:34): really
barbara (15-2-2010 0:22:12): are you sleeping now
Pablo Walter (15-2-2010 0:24:36): yes baby
barbara(15-2-2010 0:24:42): really
barbara(15-2-2010 0:24:45): how
Pablo Walter (15-2-2010 0:25:05): i go to the hotel room now
barbara (15-2-2010 0:25:32):
Pablo Walter (15-2-2010 0:25:45): bye
Pablo Walter (15-2-2010 0:25:53): ilove you
Pablo Walter (15-2-2010 0:25:58): i go now
Pablo Walter (15-2-2010 0:26:05): is late here
barbara (15-2-2010 0:26:17): i love you mr smiley my love
Pablo Walter (15-2-2010 0:26:25): byeeeeeeee

barbara (15-2-2010 0:26:50): bye my love
Pablo Walter (15-2-2010 0:26:57): bye mylove

LOL er ist invisible und wartet wohl,Baby ist auch invisible...und giebt ihm nach 30 minuten den tritt in den allerwertesten
nachdem Julia und Baby ihn 30 min observiert haben kriegt er so aus dem invisible Stand den Tritt in den Hintern,was ihm dann auch vom Hocker haut und er gleich off geht
barbara(15-2-2010 0:27:48): wieder invisible
barbara(15-2-2010 0:28:16): Come here you. Come on. Closer. Closer.

Pablo Walter (17-2-2010 23:23:07): hi
barbara (17-2-2010 23:23:21): hi
Pablo Walter (17-2-2010 23:23:32): how are you
barbara (17-2-2010 23:23:42): fine and you
Pablo Walter (17-2-2010 23:25:04): fine
barbara(17-2-2010 23:25:58): why are we now in skype and in yahoo
barbara(17-2-2010 23:26:46): ?
barbara (17-2-2010 23:28:07): can i close the skype
barbara (17-2-2010 23:29:01): ???????????????????
barbara (17-2-2010 23:30:47): are you there
barbara (17-2-2010 23:30:51): ????????

und jetzt gehts ab mit der Post unsere MUGU schatz lernt wie selbständig Europäische Frauen sind...er mag das angebotene Ticket überhaupt nicht'..warum nicht....

Pablo Walter (18-2-2010 23:18:42): hi
barbara (18-2-2010 23:19:10): hi
barbar(18-2-2010 23:19:17): invisible
barbara (18-2-2010 23:19:39): how are you?
Pablo Walter (18-2-2010 23:20:13): am just coming
barbara (18-2-2010 23:20:32): yes i noticed
Pablo Walter (18-2-2010 23:20:48): ok
Pablo Walter (18-2-2010 23:21:06): how are you
barbar(18-2-2010 23:21:15): fine
barbara(18-2-2010 23:21:24): but missing you
barbar (18-2-2010 23:21:29): and you?
Pablo Walter (18-2-2010 23:21:58): me too
barbara (18-2-2010 23:22:09): really
Pablo Walter (18-2-2010 23:22:30): yes
barbara(18-2-2010 23:22:38): that is good
barbara (18-2-2010 23:23:39): you want to know what we have arrange for you i guess
barbara(18-2-2010 23:23:45): is that right?
Pablo Walter (18-2-2010 23:25:32): yes baby
barbara (18-2-2010 23:25:48): oh you are still there
Pablo Walter (18-2-2010 23:27:09): yes baby
barbara (18-2-2010 23:27:37): ok because you need a ticket to get out of nigeria
barbara (18-2-2010 23:28:10): and we are very happy that petra doesnt have send the money back to nl
barbara (18-2-2010 23:28:35): because she didnt know that we are talking again
barbara (18-2-2010 23:28:51): she have an idea
Pablo Walter (18-2-2010 23:29:10): whats that?
barbarab (18-2-2010 23:29:18): because with 400 Euro you never can get a flight fomt Nigeria to NL
Pablo Walter (18-2-2010 23:30:22): but i we sale some of my materials here
Pablo Walter (18-2-2010 23:30:30): which i have already done
barbara (18-2-2010 23:31:14): ok but she arranged a flight because she have relationship to a company
barbara (18-2-2010 23:31:23): and we reserve a flight
barbara (18-2-2010 23:32:19): you only need to contact the company
barbar (18-2-2010 23:32:42): i send you the mail for the reservation right now in you w.pablo
Pablo Walter (18-2-2010 23:32:47): what company is that
Pablo Walter (18-2-2010 23:33:45): why i need money
Pablo Walter (18-2-2010 23:34:13): i have to hold some money on myhands
Pablo Walter (18-2-2010 23:34:23): allaonces
barbara (18-2-2010 23:34:25): you told me you only need money to get out of africa
barbara (18-2-2010 23:34:35): for a ticket
Pablo Walter (18-2-2010 23:34:42): yes ofcourse
barbara (18-2-2010 23:35:17): you see
Pablo Walter (18-2-2010 23:35:45): before you leave here you to hold some money with before moving
barbara (18-2-2010 23:35:55): and because of petra know and works with this kind of companys
barbara (18-2-2010 23:36:18): she arranged it much cheaper then normal
Pablo Walter (18-2-2010 23:37:24): but i have to hold some on me
Pablo Walter (18-2-2010 23:37:33): before coming
barbara (18-2-2010 23:37:53): you have arranged that you told me
barbara (18-2-2010 23:37:59): with that salomon guy
Pablo Walter (18-2-2010 23:38:02): thats what they said here
barbara (18-2-2010 23:38:06): signing a contract
barbara (18-2-2010 23:38:30): so the ticket is the best idea ther is right know
barbarab (18-2-2010 23:38:54): because it cost 649 euro i guess and we get it for 400
barbara (18-2-2010 23:39:28): we are very happy with tyhat
barbara (18-2-2010 23:39:36): and i hope you too
barbara (18-2-2010 23:40:10): you only need to contact them because of your number of your passport
Pablo Walter (18-2-2010 23:44:00): no
Pablo Walter (18-2-2010 23:44:00): am not happy
barbara (18-2-2010 23:44:23): why?
barbara(18-2-2010 23:44:39): tell me..
Pablo Walter (18-2-2010 23:44:43): because i have already told solom guy
Pablo Walter (18-2-2010 23:44:51): tha you sending 400euros
barbara (18-2-2010 23:45:22): you told me you need thye money to get out of there for the ticket
barbara (18-2-2010 23:45:32): and we have that
barbara (18-2-2010 23:45:37): for you
Pablo Walter (18-2-2010 23:45:39): and he say i will give him 250euros before i leave here
barbara (18-2-2010 23:45:52): ?
barbara (18-2-2010 23:46:00): you did not tell me that
barbara (18-2-2010 23:46:17): you only want to leave
barbara (18-2-2010 23:46:34): so Petra have arrange that
Pablo Walter (18-2-2010 23:46:42): i told me you send the money
Pablo Walter (18-2-2010 23:47:32): i even went to the airport to get SOME INfORMatION
barbara (18-2-2010 23:47:53): i have the flight info right here
Pablo Walter (18-2-2010 23:48:41): please tell her to send the money
Pablo Walter (18-2-2010 23:49:13): because you like doing some before without inforrming me
barbara (18-2-2010 23:49:13): check the info from the flight and contact the company
barbara (18-2-2010 23:49:21): how
barbara (18-2-2010 23:49:26): you was not online
Pablo Walter (18-2-2010 23:49:28): no
Pablo Walter (18-2-2010 23:49:38): i will not do that
barbara (18-2-2010 23:49:38): i tol;d you that we need to talk
Pablo Walter (18-2-2010 23:50:04): what did you take me for
barbara (18-2-2010 23:50:16): ?
Pablo Walter (18-2-2010 23:50:16): please forget it
barbarab (18-2-2010 23:50:27): why
barbara (18-2-2010 23:51:01): why you will not do that ...tell me
Pablo Walter (18-2-2010 23:53:27): just go
Pablo Walter (18-2-2010 23:53:28): away
Pablo Walter (18-2-2010 23:54:20): dont worry i will fine money to leave here
Pablo Walter (18-2-2010 23:55:05): i have already arrange with british air way
Pablo Walter (18-2-2010 23:55:05): why your way now
barbar (18-2-2010 23:55:46): because it is cheep and easy
barbara (18-2-2010 23:55:56): where is tyhe problem?
barbara (18-2-2010 23:56:13): our way not mine

Pablo Walter (19-2-2010 0:00:25): i cannt leave here if dont give mr solomom the 250euros he regusted for
barbara (19-2-2010 0:01:22): have you told me that?
Pablo Walter (19-2-2010 0:02:01): yes ofcouse
barbara (19-2-2010 0:02:18): no you dont you told me that you have all written and sign in a contract
barbara(19-2-2010 0:02:29): only the money for the ticket
Pablo Walter (19-2-2010 0:03:15): if she can send that tomorow morning
Pablo Walter (19-2-2010 0:03:16): so that i can leave his hotel
Pablo Walter (19-2-2010 0:03:49): to the the airport hotel
barbara (19-2-2010 0:04:17): how she must do that tell me
barbara (19-2-2010 0:04:54): we arranged that flight for you
Pablo Walter (19-2-2010 0:05:04): i know
barbara (19-2-2010 0:05:09): i really dont get it right now
barbara (19-2-2010 0:05:29): we are working for you
Pablo Walter (19-2-2010 0:05:31): but tell her to send that amount to me
barbara (19-2-2010 0:05:36): and it is not good
Pablo Walter (19-2-2010 0:06:22): so that i can pay mr solomon for his hotel bills
Pablo Walter (19-2-2010 0:06:32): he said i should pay him that amount
barbara (19-2-2010 0:06:40): that was all written in that contract
barbara (19-2-2010 0:06:47): what you have sign
barbara (19-2-2010 0:06:59): that is why we got the ticket now
barbara (19-2-2010 0:07:16): petra get the flight cheeper then the 649 euro
Pablo Walter (19-2-2010 0:10:39): tell her to send it tomorow
barbara(19-2-2010 0:10:46): how
barbara (19-2-2010 0:10:55): petra is gone for the WE
Pablo Walter (19-2-2010 0:10:58): the 250
barbara (19-2-2010 0:11:03): how
barbara (19-2-2010 0:11:36): the flight is arranged and petra is back on moday maybe thuesday
Pablo Walter (19-2-2010 0:12:24): thank you plese bye
Pablo Walter (19-2-2010 0:12:35): you dont need me
barbara(19-2-2010 0:12:50): i really dont get you
barbara (19-2-2010 0:13:14): dont say that
Pablo Walter (19-2-2010 0:13:59): yes
Pablo Walter (19-2-2010 0:14:24): always promise weeks by weeks
barbara (19-2-2010 0:14:31): listen
Pablo Walter (19-2-2010 0:14:38): no one is truth
barbara (19-2-2010 0:15:01): we have arranged that for you because it was the best thing to do
barbara (19-2-2010 0:15:23): what is the problem with that flight
barbara (19-2-2010 0:15:51): you never told about that 250 euros
Pablo Walter (19-2-2010 0:16:45): ok forget it
Pablo Walter (19-2-2010 0:16:45): dont worry
barbara (19-2-2010 0:18:21): if i was you
barbara (19-2-2010 0:18:38): i take the flight
barbarab (19-2-2010 0:18:53): and arranged something with that guy
Pablo Walter (19-2-2010 0:20:14): thank you bye
Pablo Walter (19-2-2010 0:20:32): thanks for your advice
und weg ist er .....Schade ....

> Onl-AI-Vorg: ST 040252512
> An: 00204719 63075 OFFENBACH
> Exp./Kontakt Fax hr Pferr
> Veran/Reiseart: TURKISH AIRLINES Vorgang/Status: 040252512 OK
> Von: 20.02.10 Bis: 20.02.10
> 1.Kunde: PABLO WALTER Personen-Zahl: 001
> FLUGDATEN: 20.02.2010
> ABFLUG: 20.02.2010 23:10 UHR TK 1124 AIRBUS 340-300 LAGOS LOS TERMINAL 1
> ÜBER ISTANBUL (IST) 21.02.2010 06:20 UHR
> ABFLUG ISTANBUL ( IST) 21.02.2010 07:55 UHR TK1951 BOING 737-800 ISTANBIL
> ANKUNFT AMSTERDAM (AMS) 21.02.2010 10:40 UHR
> PREIS: 522,65 ? + TAX 126,47 ? GESAMT 649,12 ?
> Sehr geehrter DERTOUR-Partner,
> Diese Reservierung haben wir fuer Sie unter der angegebenen
> Vorgangsnummer angelegt (Status OK ).
> Bitte stellen Sie sich die Buchung auf der Reservierungs-Maske dar.
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
> Service Team Städtereisen Tel.: 05602/913041 Fax: 05602/913042>>
> ++ENDE++

er kanns aber auch nicht sein lassen....

Pablo Walter w zegt:

er ist wieder auf 200....

barbara zegt:
Pablo Walter w zegt:
you fel you know more than me
you always beleive your friends than me
barbara zegt:
no why
that was good
but you dont wanted it
Pablo Walter w zegt:
barbara zegt:
tell me why
Pablo Walter w zegt:
i dont need your money anymore
when i go back to u.k
i will call you
barbara zegt:
i try to help you but you dont want my help
what do you want me to do?
Pablo Walter w zegt:
barbara zegt:
because i dont know it anymore
Pablo Walter w zegt:
you want me to tell you
barbara zegt:
i dont know it anymore
everything i do is not good enough
for you
Pablo Walter w zegt:
because you dont love
if you do
you will fallow my ways
barbara zegt:
if i love you i follow your way, i did that was the ticket for
there was the ticket for
but it was not good enough
Pablo Walter w zegt:
if i ask you for money big story we come out frm it
barbara zegt:
what is love for you tell me that
Pablo Walter w zegt:
is a secret b/w two persons
barbara zegt:
yes it is..
but you can find the way out together and the ticket was a way out
Pablo Walter w zegt:
if you can call mr solomon
barbara zegt:
with the money you get from your materials you had pay mr salomon
Pablo Walter w zegt:
and beg him with 250euros
i will be free here
barbara zegt:
i dont call that guy
and the ticket is history you know that
because you had been here already
Pablo Walter w zegt:
know i have already deposit that for the ticket at the airport
barbara zegt:
i dont know it anymore
i try so hard for you
but all i get back is anger
Pablo Walter w zegt:
yes because you want it to be like
send money
i cannt reiceive it
barbara zegt:
that was not my fault
only fault of bad computers
Pablo Walter w zegt:
is you
fake mtcn number twice
barbara zegt:
no not fake mtcn
Pablo Walter w zegt:
yes fake
barbara zegt:
we where bloggted
not my mistake
Pablo Walter w zegt:
then give your friend the money tomorow
that 250euros
let her send it
barbara zegt:
she is gone and we must first try to handle the ticket
Pablo Walter w zegt:
without that money i cannt leave here
barbara zegt:
how we turn back that ticket i dont know
you got the ticket from me and you sold materials
Pablo Walter w zegt:
i dont know too
barbara zegt:
you see i dont know too
Pablo Walter w zegt:
are you a fool
i can not repeat any word forr you again
barbara zegt:
why you sayd you dont know either
Pablo Walter w zegt:
barbara zegt:
i must wait for her
Pablo Walter w zegt:
ask your self
barbara zegt:
i asked meself enough
Pablo Walter w zegt:
from where
barbara zegt:
and yes you are right it is foolish this all
never happend to me like this
so much problems
with my bank
Pablo Walter w zegt:
barbara zegt:
what is ok
tell me
that this all is foolish i agree
Pablo Walter w zegt:
how are you going to send that money to mr solomon
barbara zegt:
now it must send to mr salomon not mr johnson
Pablo Walter w zegt:
through mrr johnson
i can get it for mr solomon
barbara zegt:
i go to bed now
not one nice word from your lips
not one
i go now
and know that
i love you

Pablo Walter w zegt:
barbara zegt:
Pablo Walter w zegt:
when are you sending that money
barbara zegt:
on wednesday i travelle to petra
be3cdause i am tired of that all
Pablo Walter w zegt:
that means on wednesday i will get that money for mr solomon
barbara zegt:
if you say so...
i said i travelle on wednesday
Pablo Walter w zegt:
are you there

Pablo Walter w heeft je een buzzer gestuurd.

barbara zegt:
me iam here
Pablo Walter w zegt:
barbara zegt:
you did not reply
you only buzz
Pablo Walter w zegt:
plaese sorry badnetwork
barbara zegt:
you are online
not off
Pablo Walter w zegt:
i knwo
slow network i mean
barbara zegt:
Pablo Walter w zegt:
when am my geting the money
on wenesday or when?
barbara zegt:
you think after long trip travelle we can do that on wednesday too
we can try
Pablo Walter w zegt:
ok when?
barbara zegt:
we can try it depends
when i get the train
and when i arrived
i guess
Pablo Walter w zegt:
were to?
germary or what
barbara zegt:
yes germany
and i stay there for the weekend
Pablo Walter w zegt:
when i my coming
barbara zegt:
you still want to come?
i will be back on sunday
Pablo Walter w zegt:
then on monday i come over
just send that money for mr solomon abu
so that i will be free
barbara zegt:
i like that
how much money you want us to send
Pablo Walter w zegt:
just the money for mr abu

Pablo Walter w zegt:
are you there
barbara zegt:
yes but i have internet problems

Pablo Walter w zegt:
am goig back to bed now
barbara zegt:

in zwischen hat Baby aber auch versucht einige seiner Schäden zu lindern..
sie findet Rose und will nicht das sie entweder Schatzilein hasst oder mit Schuldgefühlen weiter durchs Leben geht...sie gibt Rose die möglichkeit über Tagged sie zu adden... es ist kein Kampf gegen den Mugu sondern für ihn...

Barbara B:
12 dagen geleden
Hi Rose,

how are you? I hope you are fine... i am Barbara from Holland ,i am german and 46 years old. I think we know the same person...called Pablo Walter......i want to ask you something...would you please tell me something about him...what are your thoughts and maybe feelings about him,please reply on me ,if you want to talk, you can do that and add me on yahoo this is my yahoo addy barbarabartels64@yahoo.de

have a nice day your friend if you want

und Rose antwortet auch ziemlich schnell....

Rose S.:
11 dagen geleden
hello,,, what a surprise for me,,, to hear from you asking about Pablo Walter,,, yeah before he's my friend on this site,,, but i have not chating with him anymore........ because i can't understand about the situation and asking me to help him and he told me to lend him money from me but how could make that? that i have no money to help him... ohh God why you know Pablo walter,,,and i dont see him even one time in cam,,, i dont know he likes a mysterious man,,, he told me that he is already a widow have 2 kids ,,waiting for your reply... take care,,,

Hi Rose

let us talk on yahoo please because it is very important to do,maybe it could be help you ,him and me...i dont know what do you know but some voice inside of me tell me to do this ...and believe me there is a reason why he never come on cam... i dont want to hurt you or him or me...i only want to help him for real...

and maybe you can understand what happend....

greets and a big hug from me Barbara

wie gesagt wir klären sie auf ,sie nimmt das Ganze ganz gelassen....
a big fight for you my love mr smiley,never give up on you,but this is the other side of scamming,you know this side?

Rose (17-2-2010 0:12:58): hi
barbara (17-2-2010 0:13:13): hi
barbara (17-2-2010 0:13:18): how are you
Rose (17-2-2010 0:13:28): fine
Rose (17-2-2010 0:13:36): and you?
barbara(17-2-2010 0:13:50): me too
barbara (17-2-2010 0:13:53): i am ok
Rose (17-2-2010 0:13:55): ok
barbar (17-2-2010 0:13:59): i hope you too
Rose (17-2-2010 0:14:05): where are you?
Rose (17-2-2010 0:14:08): yeah
barbara (17-2-2010 0:14:28): me i am in nl
Rose (17-2-2010 0:14:43): what is NL.?
barbara (17-2-2010 0:14:46): big world getting small
barbara (17-2-2010 0:14:55): netherland my dear
barbara (17-2-2010 0:15:00): Amsterdam
barbara(17-2-2010 0:15:03): Europe
Rose (17-2-2010 0:15:08): ok
Rose (17-2-2010 0:15:28): ok can i you question? if you don't mind?
barbar (17-2-2010 0:15:35): ask
Rose (17-2-2010 0:15:40): ok
Rose (17-2-2010 0:16:05): why you know pablo walter?
barbara (17-2-2010 0:16:28): because he wrote to me
Jingkai Rose (17-2-2010 0:16:37): ohh?
bartels64 (17-2-2010 0:16:47): and you?
barbar64 (17-2-2010 0:16:55): same question
Rose (17-2-2010 0:17:03): in tagged
barbara (17-2-2010 0:17:10): me on myspace
Jingkai Rose (17-2-2010 0:17:34): is he your boyfriend or husband?
barbara (17-2-2010 0:17:56): listen we must go slowly ok
barbara (17-2-2010 0:18:10): because i dont want to hurt you
barbara (17-2-2010 0:18:20): i want to help you
barbara(17-2-2010 0:18:31): becausde i think you can need it
Rose (17-2-2010 0:18:55): what do you mean?
barbara (17-2-2010 0:19:26): what is he for you?
barbara (17-2-2010 0:19:34): was he for you?
Rose (17-2-2010 0:19:56): why you ask?
barbara (17-2-2010 0:20:11): because i dont want you to hurt
Rose (17-2-2010 0:20:20): ehemmmmmmmm?
barbara (17-2-2010 0:20:26): i know his story and his problems
Rose (17-2-2010 0:20:35): yes
Rose (17-2-2010 0:20:53): can i see you now pls?
barbara (17-2-2010 0:21:01): yes we do the cam
barbara (17-2-2010 0:21:48): you have a cam too
Rose (17-2-2010 0:21:53): yeah
barbara (17-2-2010 0:21:56): ok
Rose (17-2-2010 0:22:20): hi
Rose (17-2-2010 0:22:23): hello
barbara(17-2-2010 0:22:51): lets doe
barbara (17-2-2010 0:22:56): what was that
barbara(17-2-2010 0:23:04): your cam is gone
Rose (17-2-2010 0:23:26): yes
Rose (17-2-2010 0:23:34): hiiiiiiii
Rose (17-2-2010 0:23:43): what can i call you?
barbar (17-2-2010 0:23:50): something is not good
Rose (17-2-2010 0:23:57): why?
barbara (17-2-2010 0:23:59): because i see meself in your cam
barbara (17-2-2010 0:24:16): try it again
Rose (17-2-2010 0:24:44): yes i think net work probs
Rose (17-2-2010 0:25:18): wht is your work now?
barbara (17-2-2010 0:25:23): i have never seen this
barbara (17-2-2010 0:26:06): my work now
barbara (17-2-2010 0:26:12): it is gone already
Rose (17-2-2010 0:26:12): yes?
barbara (17-2-2010 0:26:20): housekeeping
barbara (17-2-2010 0:26:26): with older people
barbara (17-2-2010 0:26:31): and you
Rose (17-2-2010 0:26:35): ok
Rose (17-2-2010 0:27:18): i have to retail rice here
Rose (17-2-2010 0:27:30): sorry for my cam
Rose (17-2-2010 0:27:41): dont know what's happening
barbara (17-2-2010 0:27:55): you are joking with me
Rose (17-2-2010 0:28:16): yes...
barbara (17-2-2010 0:28:29): that is good my dear
Rose (17-2-2010 0:28:52): yeah coz rice here is the comodity to us
barbara (17-2-2010 0:28:57): stop
Rose (17-2-2010 0:29:07): we eat rice 3 times a day
barbara(17-2-2010 0:29:12): i think my signal is stronger then yours
barbara (17-2-2010 0:29:24): that is good
Rose (17-2-2010 0:29:24): breakfast, lunch and dinner
barbara (17-2-2010 0:29:30): that is good
barbara (17-2-2010 0:29:39): you are anice girl
Rose (17-2-2010 0:29:42): yeah... net work probs
Rose (17-2-2010 0:29:51): yes i know
Rose (17-2-2010 0:29:54): hehehehe
barbar (17-2-2010 0:30:01): that is good
barbara (17-2-2010 0:30:20): how about your kids
i Rose (17-2-2010 0:30:32): ahhh i have 2 sons
barbara (17-2-2010 0:30:36): tel me
Rose (17-2-2010 0:30:39): 13 and 15
barbar (17-2-2010 0:30:43): i have 2 sons to
Rose (17-2-2010 0:30:47): im a widow now
barbar(17-2-2010 0:30:51): LOL
barbara (17-2-2010 0:31:00): mines are 26 and 21
Rose (17-2-2010 0:31:03): my husband died last december 6 2009
barbara (17-2-2010 0:31:15): i am really sorry
Rose (17-2-2010 0:31:45): but ihave separated fo more than 3 years after my husband died..
Rose (17-2-2010 0:32:17): we dont live in the same roof until he died
barbara (17-2-2010 0:32:28): was he sick?
Rose (17-2-2010 0:32:40): yeah kidney failure
barbara (17-2-2010 0:32:53): ooh i am really sorry for your lost
Rose (17-2-2010 0:33:37): ok... but i have no regrets of what happen to my life coz its God's paln for my life..
barbar (17-2-2010 0:33:58): you are very brave
Rose (17-2-2010 0:34:07): yeah hehehe
Rose (17-2-2010 0:34:23): i can
barbara(17-2-2010 0:34:47): now i am only divorced
barbara (17-2-2010 0:34:57): but that man was a relly bad man
Rose (17-2-2010 0:35:13): ohh ,,, why you divorced?
barbara(17-2-2010 0:35:28): because he lies and cheat
Rose (17-2-2010 0:35:34): ohhh?
barbara (17-2-2010 0:35:38): for 22 years long
Rose (17-2-2010 0:35:47): may i know who's that man?
Rose (17-2-2010 0:36:12): ohh? sorry hope you are brave
Rose (17-2-2010 0:36:16): like me
Rose (17-2-2010 0:36:20): lol
barbara (17-2-2010 0:36:28): we must be brave together my dear
barbara (17-2-2010 0:37:08): yes i try that because i watched you afor a while on tagged
barbara (17-2-2010 0:37:18): and decided to write you
barbara (17-2-2010 0:37:37): of it is good to do i dont know
barbara(17-2-2010 0:37:49): but i always try to go good thinks
barbara(17-2-2010 0:37:54): do
barbara (17-2-2010 0:38:10): so i think you are nice sweet lady
barbara (17-2-2010 0:38:31): am i right?
barbara (17-2-2010 0:39:08): i can not see you right now

barbara (17-2-2010 0:39:19): that make s it difficult

barbara (17-2-2010 0:39:57): what i dont want is that
barbara (17-2-2010 0:40:15): that you feel guilty because you could not help him
Rose (17-2-2010 0:41:14): yeah.. coz i have no moeny to help... because its only enough for my family...
barbara (17-2-2010 0:41:28): so dont feel guilty
barbara (17-2-2010 0:41:29): ok
Rose (17-2-2010 0:41:36): no
barbara (17-2-2010 0:41:39): ok
barbara (17-2-2010 0:41:43): that is good
barbara (17-2-2010 0:42:00): how your feelings now
Rose (17-2-2010 0:42:17): it's good
barbara (17-2-2010 0:42:22): ok
barbara (17-2-2010 0:42:26): you miss him?
Rose (17-2-2010 0:42:39): hahahaha
Rose (17-2-2010 0:42:42): why?
barbara (17-2-2010 0:42:52): because there is more
barbara (17-2-2010 0:42:55): ok
barbara (17-2-2010 0:43:12): and i dont know of you can handle it right now
Rose (17-2-2010 0:43:29): ?
barbara (17-2-2010 0:43:34): and it is not on my to decide what you want to know
i Rose (17-2-2010 0:44:03): yes? tell me my dear friend
barbara(17-2-2010 0:44:21): tell me what do you want to know?
barbara (17-2-2010 0:44:33): some question you want to ask me
Rose (17-2-2010 0:44:51): yes,,,
Rose (17-2-2010 0:45:04): about pablo walter?
barbara (17-2-2010 0:45:13): of this all
Rose (17-2-2010 0:45:55): yeah nothing less and nothing more about him
barbar (17-2-2010 0:46:12): no hate no love
Rose (17-2-2010 0:46:32): ok
barbara (17-2-2010 0:46:54): ok
barbara (17-2-2010 0:47:00): that is good
Rose (17-2-2010 0:47:43): why you know him
barbara (17-2-2010 0:47:57): the same you know him my dear
barbara (17-2-2010 0:48:05): only otyher platform
Rose (17-2-2010 0:48:17): and?
barbara(17-2-2010 0:48:25): i found him here to month ago too
barbara (17-2-2010 0:48:36): and if i am right
barbar (17-2-2010 0:48:44): you get a warning message
barbarab (17-2-2010 0:48:56): fcan you remind that
barbara (17-2-2010 0:49:10): two month
Rose (17-2-2010 0:49:35): yes
barbara (17-2-2010 0:50:00): because we where afraid that you maybe could be pay
barbara (17-2-2010 0:50:20): that profil is deleted one day later
barbara(17-2-2010 0:50:34): we think he did
barbara (17-2-2010 0:50:49): but we are not shure
barbara (17-2-2010 0:51:04): important now is you
barbara (17-2-2010 0:51:12): and only you
barbar (17-2-2010 0:51:28): and that it can not happend you again
Rose (17-2-2010 0:51:54): yeah never
barbara (17-2-2010 0:52:08): you want to know what is behind this
Rose (17-2-2010 0:52:16): yes
barbara(17-2-2010 0:52:20): and be not angry about him ok
Rose (17-2-2010 0:52:23): may i?
Rose (17-2-2010 0:52:39): no angry
barbar (17-2-2010 0:52:40): yes but it is much more then you can imagine
barbara(17-2-2010 0:52:52): and i really want to see you
barbara (17-2-2010 0:53:11): no anger about the man behind that pablo walter ok
Rose (17-2-2010 0:53:22): yes promise
Rose (17-2-2010 0:53:41): no anger
barbara (17-2-2010 0:53:53): that man behind pablo walter is a nice man with a bad job
Rose (17-2-2010 0:54:17): really?
barbara (17-2-2010 0:54:21): yes
barbara (17-2-2010 0:54:33): we do it step for step ok
Rose (17-2-2010 0:54:34): what bad job he does?
barbara (17-2-2010 0:54:49): do you know the nigeria connection
Rose (17-2-2010 0:54:59): no
barbara (17-2-2010 0:55:00): ever heard of it
barbara (17-2-2010 0:55:06): i thought so
barbara (17-2-2010 0:55:15): no anger about that man ok
barbara (17-2-2010 0:55:21): i tell you
barbara (17-2-2010 0:55:44): because i want you to be very carefully
barbara (17-2-2010 0:55:52): romancescam
barbara (17-2-2010 0:55:58): ever heard of it
barbara (17-2-2010 0:56:12): my dear
Rose (17-2-2010 0:56:45): yes have no idea
barbara (17-2-2010 0:57:13): you see it is important that you know that if you on a platform like tagged
barbara (17-2-2010 0:57:29): we forget now for a while pablo walter ok
Rose (17-2-2010 0:57:41): ok
barbara(17-2-2010 0:58:05): romancescam is a big business in nigeria
barbara (17-2-2010 0:58:30): they create a romance to a male or female
Rose (17-2-2010 0:58:47): ok
barbar (17-2-2010 0:59:21): so it could be happend to a male too what happend to you and to me
barbara(17-2-2010 1:00:14): ok you get that so far
Rose (17-2-2010 1:00:29): ok
barbara (17-2-2010 1:00:42): the romance is create and the scamartist decide when the tragedy happend
barbara (17-2-2010 1:01:12): mostly if he almost want to meet the other part/you
barbara (17-2-2010 1:01:20): or me
barbara (17-2-2010 1:01:30): it doesnt matter
barbara (17-2-2010 1:02:01): if you are lucky you have a nice good scamartist who never use ugly words
barbara(17-2-2010 1:02:14): if you can not pay
barbara(17-2-2010 1:02:21): or want to pay
barbara (17-2-2010 1:02:41): and you wondered why he never comes on cam
Rose (17-2-2010 1:02:49): yeah
barbara (17-2-2010 1:03:04): ok and now it is getting hard
barbara (17-2-2010 1:03:15): you can see me but i can not see you
barbara (17-2-2010 1:03:22): i hope you are ok
barbara(17-2-2010 1:03:27): right now
Rose (17-2-2010 1:03:41): yes very sure im very ok
barbara (17-2-2010 1:03:47): ok my dear
barbar (17-2-2010 1:03:54): you must know thye trues
barbara (17-2-2010 1:04:04): and never let it happend again
Rose (17-2-2010 1:04:32): yes what do you mean? in short...
barbara (17-2-2010 1:04:44): it can not in short
barbara (17-2-2010 1:04:58): in short it is easy
Rose (17-2-2010 1:05:08): that not to entertain cahtmate that have no cam and don't want to appear in cam?
barbara (17-2-2010 1:05:37): never pay money to people you only know from the internet
barbara (17-2-2010 1:05:46): to you
Rose (17-2-2010 1:05:49): yeah never
barbara (17-2-2010 1:05:54): ok my dear
barbara (17-2-2010 1:06:04): that is the short story
barbara (17-2-2010 1:06:11): always use the cam
barbara (17-2-2010 1:06:18): if someone not
barbara (17-2-2010 1:06:24): he is not for real
Rose (17-2-2010 1:06:30): yeah
barbara (17-2-2010 1:06:32): for wjat he tell you
barbara(17-2-2010 1:06:37): what
barbara (17-2-2010 1:06:44): he only use pics
Rose (17-2-2010 1:06:52): many true lies behind
barbar (17-2-2010 1:07:02): yes and no
Rose (17-2-2010 1:07:10): yes
barbara (17-2-2010 1:07:16): about our friend i can tell you
barbar (17-2-2010 1:07:20): he is nice
barbara (17-2-2010 1:07:31): never use ugly woords
barbara(17-2-2010 1:07:44): he even wanted to warn me
barbara (17-2-2010 1:07:50): on his way
barbar (17-2-2010 1:07:58): on the phone
barbara (17-2-2010 1:08:01): once
barbara (17-2-2010 1:08:09): he told me his real name
barbara (17-2-2010 1:08:29): and he gets beat for it from his master/boss
Rose (17-2-2010 1:08:58): yeah
barbara (17-2-2010 1:09:10): so he wanted to stop the scam
barbara (17-2-2010 1:09:15): but he must go on
barbara (17-2-2010 1:09:25): so we are going on and on
Rose (17-2-2010 1:09:36): yes
barbara (17-2-2010 1:09:47): first it was 1700 euro from me to him
Rose (17-2-2010 1:10:02): ohhh?
barbara (17-2-2010 1:10:06): but because i find out what was going on
Rose (17-2-2010 1:10:26): it's very clear...
barbara (17-2-2010 1:10:27): i use d my brains
Rose (17-2-2010 1:10:41): yeah same to me
barbara (17-2-2010 1:10:42): it is not only his fault ok
barbara (17-2-2010 1:10:50): he is only a tool
Rose (17-2-2010 1:10:59): really?
barbara (17-2-2010 1:11:04): yers my dear
barbara (17-2-2010 1:11:17): he wanted to stop and he must go on
barbara (17-2-2010 1:11:29): but i am smart on another as you
Rose (17-2-2010 1:11:43): where is he now,,, did you met in personal?
barbara (17-2-2010 1:11:52): because i our story i can teach him a lesson
barbara (17-2-2010 1:11:59): no my dear he can not
barbara(17-2-2010 1:12:21): so what i did i was shocked till i found out
Rose (17-2-2010 1:12:41): what you did to give him lesson? did you report to a police?
barbara (17-2-2010 1:13:00): i want him to learn that you never can do that to people
barbara (17-2-2010 1:13:10): no my dear i am not
barbara (17-2-2010 1:13:19): of course
barbara (17-2-2010 1:13:28): iget him a good very good bait
barbara (17-2-2010 1:13:45): and i am not happy with it
barbara (17-2-2010 1:13:52): but it must be
barbarab (17-2-2010 1:14:00): and because i did this
Rose (17-2-2010 1:14:08): ohhhh
barbara (17-2-2010 1:14:30): i learned more about this men and what they do
barbara (17-2-2010 1:14:40): i did what he did
barbara (17-2-2010 1:15:06): i creat new characters to let him tell his story over and over again
barbara (17-2-2010 1:15:11): and there was me
barbara (17-2-2010 1:15:20): the story is still going on
Jingkai Rose (17-2-2010 1:15:28): ok
barbara (17-2-2010 1:15:49): for now i have known more scammers and i can tell you
barbara (17-2-2010 1:15:57): he is really good and nice
Rose (17-2-2010 1:16:03): yes
barbara (17-2-2010 1:16:10): ok
barbarab (17-2-2010 1:16:31): first i was shocked and now i want to help him
Rose (17-2-2010 1:17:15): i don't let and no one scammers to ask me money... i won't never give
barbara (17-2-2010 1:17:21): he fight as a tijger i can tell you that
barbar (17-2-2010 1:17:23): ok
barbara (17-2-2010 1:17:27): that is good
barbara(17-2-2010 1:17:44): dont be mad on him ok
barbara (17-2-2010 1:18:07): and dont feel guilty about you could not help him
Rose (17-2-2010 1:18:14): yeah he force me to give him him money...
Rose (17-2-2010 1:18:23): he
barbara (17-2-2010 1:18:29): yes my dear i know
barbara (17-2-2010 1:18:42): and that is the job i mean ok
Rose (17-2-2010 1:18:47): i don't feel guilty on it
barbara (17-2-2010 1:18:52): he does it hunderd times
Rose (17-2-2010 1:18:52): never
Rose (17-2-2010 1:19:01): yes he does
barbara(17-2-2010 1:19:12): but not be angry on him ok
barbara(17-2-2010 1:19:20): he can not help it
Rose (17-2-2010 1:19:31): yes
Rose (17-2-2010 1:19:52): i can forgive,,,
barbar (17-2-2010 1:19:58): ok me too
Rose (17-2-2010 1:20:39): coz no money have give him
barbar (17-2-2010 1:20:44): do you really understand that the man is not pablo walter but nigerian
Rose (17-2-2010 1:21:02): ohhhhhh?
barbara (17-2-2010 1:21:08): and that is why he never gets a cam dater
barbara (17-2-2010 1:21:18): date
Rose (17-2-2010 1:21:36): ok
barbara (17-2-2010 1:21:37): you see
Rose (17-2-2010 1:21:46): yes
barbara (17-2-2010 1:21:58): that is why i never use a cam and you only get pics
barbar (17-2-2010 1:22:05): he
barbara (17-2-2010 1:22:20): but we forgive him
barbar (17-2-2010 1:22:22): ok
Rose (17-2-2010 1:22:36): yes of course
barbara (17-2-2010 1:22:55): because behind his mask he is still nice and sweet
barbara (17-2-2010 1:22:59): and fair
barbara (17-2-2010 1:23:13): never use ugly words
Rose (17-2-2010 1:23:21): yeah
barbara (17-2-2010 1:23:33): ok my dear you are fine now

Rose (17-2-2010 1:24:13): scammer never work out in me..... yes very fine my dear friend
barbara (17-2-2010 1:24:19): good
barbara(17-2-2010 1:24:39): you know i have never done this before
barbarab (17-2-2010 1:24:56): only once and that was a stupid scammer stupid
barbar (17-2-2010 1:25:06): and he use ugly words
Rose(17-2-2010 1:25:30): yeah hope they will go to heal,, lol oh forgive me God
barbara (17-2-2010 1:25:44): no we do teach them a lesson
barbara (17-2-2010 1:25:45): ok
barbara (17-2-2010 1:25:53): that is what we do
barbara (17-2-2010 1:26:07): and take care of victims if we find some
Rose (17-2-2010 1:26:41): yeah
barbara (17-2-2010 1:26:42): you know he made me loving him.baiting him and use his own weapons
barbara (17-2-2010 1:27:15): but i really can saw he is sweet nice and any more you want
Rose (17-2-2010 1:27:58): realyy you believe of his sweetness?
barbara (17-2-2010 1:28:12): yes of course you dont?
Rose (17-2-2010 1:28:38): no for me
barbara (17-2-2010 1:29:05): listen if you know other scammers you see the differend between him and then and that makes him special...
Rose (17-2-2010 1:29:23): yes hahahah
barbara (17-2-2010 1:29:30): and he is so human
barbara (17-2-2010 1:29:41): with laughing joking on the phone
Rose (17-2-2010 1:30:16): but some american boys they will show their dick... very bad doings
barbara (17-2-2010 1:30:32): yes but he did not
barbara (17-2-2010 1:30:50): and if he want to do that
Rose (17-2-2010 1:30:57): can't appear in cam that's the problem there..
barbara(17-2-2010 1:30:58): he must use the cam
barbara(17-2-2010 1:31:05): you see
barbara (17-2-2010 1:31:07): the cam
barbar (17-2-2010 1:31:15): he never use the cam
Rose (17-2-2010 1:31:19): yes
barbara (17-2-2010 1:31:25): ok
barbara (17-2-2010 1:31:42): i rtied once that he out himself
Rose (17-2-2010 1:31:45): i have no trust to those man have no cam
barbara (17-2-2010 1:31:54): but he fight as a tijger for his story
barbara (17-2-2010 1:32:06): yes my dear that is good
Rose (17-2-2010 1:32:21): dont believe what they say,,,
barbara (17-2-2010 1:32:30): but you know their are black scam,mer using a cam
Rose (17-2-2010 1:33:00): but they see me and believe them that i believe too lol
barbara (17-2-2010 1:33:06): yers
barbara (17-2-2010 1:33:18): but thei is one rule on the internet
barbara (17-2-2010 1:33:23): never pay money
barbara (17-2-2010 1:33:25): ok
Rose (17-2-2010 1:33:35): yes
barbara (17-2-2010 1:33:42): ok that it is
Rose (17-2-2010 1:34:11): that's it,,, very nice advice
barbara (17-2-2010 1:34:23): we are internet friend now my dear
Rose (17-2-2010 1:34:34): yes
barbara (17-2-2010 1:34:39): i love that
Rose (17-2-2010 1:34:46): have you been in the philippines?
barbara (17-2-2010 1:34:51): no never
barbara (17-2-2010 1:35:07): but there is one thing i want him to learn
barbara (17-2-2010 1:35:12): in his job
Rose (17-2-2010 1:35:26): yes, what that?
barbara (17-2-2010 1:35:50): a widow have suffer so much
barbara (17-2-2010 1:36:04): he must stay away from a widow
barbara (17-2-2010 1:36:23): i hope i can give him that message on his way
barbara (17-2-2010 1:36:29): if he leaves
barbara (17-2-2010 1:36:42): i can not stop him but teach him
Rose (17-2-2010 1:36:53): ok
Rose (17-2-2010 1:37:04): go on
barbara(17-2-2010 1:37:08): we can not stop romancescam
Rose (17-2-2010 1:37:37): yeah,,, but never for me doing that,,,
barbara(17-2-2010 1:37:57): yes but if you get in touch again
barbara (17-2-2010 1:38:05): and we stay friends now
barbara (17-2-2010 1:38:09): you tell me ok
Rose (17-2-2010 1:38:15): sure
barbara (17-2-2010 1:38:18): and i fight back for you
Rose (17-2-2010 1:38:25): ok
Rose (17-2-2010 1:38:41): hey change topic now
barbara (17-2-2010 1:38:57): and i want you to teach some stuff so that you know where the man really comes from
Rose (17-2-2010 1:39:06): don't mind that pablo walter,,,
Rose (17-2-2010 1:39:14): never
Rose (17-2-2010 1:39:30): scammer really stupid
Rose (17-2-2010 1:39:36): bad
Rose (17-2-2010 1:39:39): they are
barbara (17-2-2010 1:39:40): yes and no
barbara (17-2-2010 1:39:50): bad job ok
barbara (17-2-2010 1:40:03): but even in a bad job you can be nice
Rose (17-2-2010 1:40:11): yes
barbara (17-2-2010 1:40:16): and he is
barbara(17-2-2010 1:40:25): so we forgive him
barbara (17-2-2010 1:40:37): and i am still in the game with him
Rose (17-2-2010 1:42:10): yes,,, God can forgive,,,and who am i can't give forgive im only human..so i will now forgive him... for the saviour of his soul... that's it
barbara (17-2-2010 1:42:36): yes that is what i try to do for mothes now
barbara(17-2-2010 1:42:43): monthes now
barbara (17-2-2010 1:42:54): try to rescue his soul
barbara (17-2-2010 1:43:19): that is why he always comes bach or i get him back
barbarab (17-2-2010 1:43:25): clean his mind
barbara (17-2-2010 1:43:29): teach him
Rose (17-2-2010 1:43:36): yes
Rose(17-2-2010 1:43:39): good
barbar (17-2-2010 1:44:10): because he is i dont know the woord now
barbar (17-2-2010 1:44:12): wait
Rose (17-2-2010 1:44:30): ok
Rose (17-2-2010 1:45:05): hey are you alone in your house?
barbara (17-2-2010 1:45:17): because he is worth the work i have with him
barbar (17-2-2010 1:45:25): not in the hpouse
barbara (17-2-2010 1:45:40): but i am single right now if you want to know that
barbar (17-2-2010 1:45:53): no man in my life
barbara (17-2-2010 1:46:00): only he on the internet
barbara (17-2-2010 1:46:11): try to recsue him
barbara (17-2-2010 1:46:16): stupid me
Rose (17-2-2010 1:46:43): yes
barbar (17-2-2010 1:46:43): tell me is that stupid to recsue a scam,er
Jingkai Rose (17-2-2010 1:47:40): who's this PANGERM PETRA? who's this yahoo messenger?
barbara (17-2-2010 1:47:58): that is a friend of my you can add tyher
barbar (17-2-2010 1:48:02): she is great
Rose (17-2-2010 1:48:07): yes,
barbara (17-2-2010 1:48:21): because i did not know of t is wise that i talk to you
barbara (17-2-2010 1:48:36): she knows all about scamming
barbar (17-2-2010 1:48:43): we work together
barbar (17-2-2010 1:48:58): and because he is still with me
barbar (17-2-2010 1:49:03): in his story
barbara (17-2-2010 1:49:10): what is changed now
barbara (17-2-2010 1:49:31): i did not kno of it is wise that i talk to you
barbara (17-2-2010 1:49:48): he helps me with him
barbar (17-2-2010 1:49:58): and also another girl
barbara (17-2-2010 1:50:05): he addet julia
barbara (17-2-2010 1:50:11): he addet ilse
barbara (17-2-2010 1:50:22): and as barry moore he addet anita
Rose (17-2-2010 1:50:37): ok
barbara (17-2-2010 1:50:45): he also is barry moore
barbara (17-2-2010 1:50:49): he was
Rose (17-2-2010 1:51:00): really
barbara (17-2-2010 1:51:17): yes my dear i had him in a dubbelchat
barbar (17-2-2010 1:51:30): and that is funny
barbar (17-2-2010 1:51:55): that was a really funny part may be you want to read it some times
barbara (17-2-2010 1:52:28): he must got to the toilet as pablowalter and the sametime barry must go to the toilet
barbara (17-2-2010 1:52:37): that was funny
barbara (17-2-2010 1:52:54): me as me and me as anita
Rose (17-2-2010 1:53:17): ohhh really you did it?
barbar (17-2-2010 1:53:43): yes for him i did crazy thinks never done befoore
Rose (17-2-2010 1:53:57): lol
barbara (17-2-2010 1:54:15): yes if you want you can read it
barbara (17-2-2010 1:54:30): and you know he ist till fighting
barbara (17-2-2010 1:54:41): you want some to laugh
barbara (17-2-2010 1:54:45): right now
Rose (17-2-2010 1:54:56): yeah
barbar (17-2-2010 1:54:58): ok
barbara (17-2-2010 1:55:14): i have a passport named pablo walter
barbara (17-2-2010 1:55:22): faked of course
Rose (17-2-2010 1:55:28): ok
barbaraba (17-2-2010 1:55:54): look at it
barbarab (17-2-2010 1:56:13): can you take it
Rose (17-2-2010 1:57:02): no need
barbara (17-2-2010 1:57:11): ok
barbara (17-2-2010 1:57:25): is that to much my dear
Rose (17-2-2010 1:57:37): ok
barbara (17-2-2010 1:57:58): because barrys paass was the same
barbara (17-2-2010 1:58:06): only different names
Rose (17-2-2010 1:58:14): yes
Rose (17-2-2010 1:58:18): ok
barbara (17-2-2010 1:58:29): ok
barbara(17-2-2010 1:58:35): but youu are brave
Rose (17-2-2010 1:58:49): what is your time now my friend
barbara (17-2-2010 1:59:02): you really dont want to know that
barbara (17-2-2010 1:59:06): 2 am
barbara(17-2-2010 1:59:10): and yours
Rose (17-2-2010 1:59:20): 9 am
barbara (17-2-2010 1:59:31): you must go to work
Rose (17-2-2010 1:59:36): still you not sleepy?
barbara (17-2-2010 1:59:47): yes but it is important to do
barbara (17-2-2010 1:59:59): and i am free tomorrow morening
Rose (17-2-2010 2:00:10): ok
barbara (17-2-2010 2:00:24): so i was happy that you wanted to talk today
Rose (17-2-2010 2:00:33): do you have part time jobs?
barbar (17-2-2010 2:00:54): nyes i have only 27 hours a week
barbara(17-2-2010 2:01:00): but is is enough
barbara (17-2-2010 2:01:21): i dont need money on a bankaccount
Rose (17-2-2010 2:01:28): how old are now?
barbara (17-2-2010 2:01:32): 45
barbara (17-2-2010 2:01:40): 10 years older as you
Rose (17-2-2010 2:01:51): ok
Rose (17-2-2010 2:02:04): are your kids living with you?
barbara (17-2-2010 2:02:13): no they are growing up
barbara (17-2-2010 2:02:24): 26 years old and 21 years old
Rose (17-2-2010 2:02:32): where are they now?
barbara (17-2-2010 2:02:39): own houses
barbar (17-2-2010 2:02:45): places
barbara (17-2-2010 2:02:55): it is europe you know
Rose (17-2-2010 2:03:01): ok,,, you very early to marry?
barbara (17-2-2010 2:03:10): not really
barbar (17-2-2010 2:03:21): man always trouble for me
Rose (17-2-2010 2:03:41): 19 age you have already kid
barbara (17-2-2010 2:03:49): but the man was my boyfriend and 3 years later we getting married
barbara (17-2-2010 2:03:52): yes my dear
barbar (17-2-2010 2:04:06): so ia am a joung mother
Rose (17-2-2010 2:04:12): me too
Rose (17-2-2010 2:04:27): 19 also
barbara (17-2-2010 2:04:37): we thopught it was good and it was
barbara (17-2-2010 2:04:41): thought
Rose (17-2-2010 2:04:46): yes
barbara (17-2-2010 2:05:08): onky the man was a lier and a cheater
Rose (17-2-2010 2:05:19): you know but now im widow,,, i want to marry older than me
Rose (17-2-2010 2:05:31): soon]
barbara (17-2-2010 2:05:37): but dont search on the internet
barbara (17-2-2010 2:05:53): that is always trouble
Rose (17-2-2010 2:06:26): maybe want to marry if when my age is 48 for only companionship
Rose (17-2-2010 2:06:47): lol
barbara (17-2-2010 2:06:53): you must marry for love my dear
Rose (17-2-2010 2:07:10): yeah of course my friend
barbara (17-2-2010 2:07:15): ok
barbara (17-2-2010 2:07:34): that is what we do we add on tagged if you want but not now ok
barbara (17-2-2010 2:07:58): because i am afraid that if our friensd see that we are friends
barbara (17-2-2010 2:08:02): he run
Rose (17-2-2010 2:08:10): i have to know more about the man before have to marry,,, have to use my brain
barbara (17-2-2010 2:08:28): yes of cousre but see it this way
barbara (17-2-2010 2:08:37): you have learn from our friend
barbara (17-2-2010 2:08:50): and he is not so bad
Rose (17-2-2010 2:08:51): ok
Rose (17-2-2010 2:08:56): yeah
Rose (17-2-2010 2:09:09): ok
barbara (17-2-2010 2:09:18): always positiv
barbara (17-2-2010 2:09:26): you learn from him
barbar (17-2-2010 2:09:30): but tell me
barbara(17-2-2010 2:09:42): you told him you could not pay
barbara (17-2-2010 2:09:50): he stays nicely?
barbara (17-2-2010 2:10:32): and say nicely good bye to you?
Rose (17-2-2010 2:10:36): yeah but could not affected my life for what he did... after that he ask money for me,, i have to cut my conection to chat with him
barbara (17-2-2010 2:10:47): because otherwise i give him a next hit
barbara (17-2-2010 2:11:04): yes that is good
Rose (17-2-2010 2:11:35): how could i give that i have no money to give,,,
barbara (17-2-2010 2:11:57): how long it cost him to ask you for money to you
barbar (17-2-2010 2:12:04): will you tell me that
barbara (17-2-2010 2:12:42): can you remind that?
barbara(17-2-2010 2:14:00): in weeks maybe
Rose (17-2-2010 2:14:23): yeah
Rose (17-2-2010 2:14:31): it could be
Rose (17-2-2010 2:14:38): ok
Rose (17-2-2010 2:15:00): my dear friend i have to go now
barbara (17-2-2010 2:15:07): yes me too
barbara (17-2-2010 2:15:14): see you later
barbara (17-2-2010 2:15:20): i hope yu feel fine
Rose (17-2-2010 2:15:24): coz have my works here,,
Rose (17-2-2010 2:15:34): im very fine
barbara (17-2-2010 2:15:37): yes an d i have to sleep
barbara (17-2-2010 2:15:40): ok
Rose (17-2-2010 2:15:41): ok
barbara (17-2-2010 2:15:42): bye
barbara (17-2-2010 2:15:45): take care
Rose (17-2-2010 2:15:47): bye
Rose (17-2-2010 2:15:52): you too
barbara (17-2-2010 2:15:55): we talk again ok
Rose (17-2-2010 2:15:56): ...
Rose (17-2-2010 2:16:07): ok if i have time
barbara (17-2-2010 2:16:08): and petras is also there if you need her
Rose (17-2-2010 2:16:16): ok
Rose (17-2-2010 2:16:16): ok
barbara (17-2-2010 2:16:19): bye
Rose (17-2-2010 2:16:22): bye

Ausserdem hat Frau Oberin ein Teil unserer Maske gefunden...

mask of PW

Hi Robert,
how are you,nice to meet you here on Facebook, i must say i am very surprised that we have found you here,first we found you on
http://www.modelmayhem.com/880893....i know the nice foto with the blue background,i know it because it is used for a scamstory,my scamstory,your name ......he gave you ....was pablo walter...the story very touchy ...in the story you have 2 kids ...Teresza and Pedro...they stayed with your mum in america...pablo walters wife died with the birth of the joungest son...he worked in UK and then he travelled to nigeria...where the tragedy starts...he could not pay for his seaport duty..and he asked me to pay for him..me as his internet wife ...could be pay ...but i never did...now we find your pics and i really want to know you a little bit better..if you dont mind...hope to hear/read from you very soon...
greets from the netherlands
Barbara Bartels

Robert W Maples 21 februari om 20:19
Yes I never send money. I've seen and heard of some of those scams. I won't even take the time to read them. Why bother. I'm glad you held on to yours.

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